How Much Are You Gonna Make Today??

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by Playa_hamm420, May 4, 2012.

  1. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    $2.54 =\

    My internet connection has been particularly bad today, so even when a good batch of HITs goes up, I can't do many of them (if I can even get the mturk page to load!).

    Yeah rural USA! My internet connection here is often worse than it was in the jungle :confused:
  2. Thats it for me boyz and girlz :p

    End of the night stats! Drum roll......................................

    Today's Projected Earnings $50.88

    Submitted 979
    Approved 100
    Rejected 0
    Pending 879
  3. chaos

    chaos User

    Well considering that you only got about an extra 2 dollars since that last post, I'd say the work had pretty much dried up. ;)
  4. iceblink

    iceblink User

    Today's Projected Earnings $32.57

    Could be a good day, or a really, really bad one depending on whether Wildfire Interactive actually pays ;D
  5. chaos

    chaos User

    I'm with you on Wildfire, did 150 of those. Also I did about 200 HITs for Edward Kohler at 3 cents each. I'm looking at $29.86 on the day IF both of those batches of HITs pan out.
  6. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    I chanced it on Wildfire on Saturday (before she changed her name), too. I hope it works out, or my approval rating is destroyed!
  7. iceblink

    iceblink User

    Edward Kohler's a surefire requester i've worked on his hits many times.. still waiting on the Wildfire hits and theres another batch of 5000 up as we speak.. what to do lol
  8. chaos

    chaos User

    Yeah he's got great reviews on TO so I felt pretty comfortable with those ones. Weird thing is he approved 7 or 8 of my HITs, yesterday and 190+ are still pending
  9. 0.00$ I was gonna go to work on mturk.............but then i got high.................
  10. chaos

    chaos User

    Edward Kohler HITs are all starting to approve. Over 75 approvals so far, zero rejections. Awesome requester.
  11. chaos

    chaos User

    Today's Projected Earnings $28.48
  12. Zippo369

    Zippo369 Member

    Hey, Everybody I'm new to MTurk. Please tell me the Tips and Tricks; to earning more than $10.00 A day. Some of these earning are insane, how do you'll do it?
  13. Today's Projected Earnings - $13.50

    So far...

    I'd love to see some of the numbers y'all hit but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Although now that I am close to 3k HITs I've been improving.
  14. chaos

    chaos User

    I think if you read through this whole thread there are a lot of little tips and methods mentioned.

    I'll say that part of it is finding a good requester that has several thousand QUICK hits up, and churn out as many as you can. Even if it's only a 2 or 3 cent paying job, if you can do 500 of those, that's $10-$15 right there. Just make sure it's a hit that is fast, like 10-15 seconds each.

    There's a subforum here for specific requesters, you can go there to read about particular requesters that some of us have worked for.

    EDIT: This post is directed toward Zippo
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2012
  15. Well if you are new you will be limited at first. Noobies have a HIT limit of 100 per day for their first 10 days and your approval % also plays a role somewhat. Surveys will give you a decent amount most of the time it's just finding the right ones before everyone else finds them!
  16. chaos

    chaos User


    I hate to say this because I'm generally very much against Oscar Smith hits, but for someone that is new it might not be a bad idea to do a handful of those just to get some approvals and a high percentage. But only if there is literally nothing else worth doing available.
  17. Zippo369

    Zippo369 Member

    I'm beginning to understand Turkalicious. The HITS i've been doing take a few minutes; Chaos said "10-15 seconds"..i'm lol right now, I haven't seen one yet. I'm in a CASH explosion Mode right now.
  18. I definitely agree with chaos.. check out the requester's forum because you will find decent info in there for a few specific requester's. Oscar Smith HITs are good for getting your HIT count up, beyond that they're not really worth the effort. Crowd Source has a few HITs up for finding things on google they are fairly quick and decent pay. When you're just starting out there really isn't much available that is worth it but do them to get your HIT count up because once you hit 500, 1000 etc more will open up.
  19. chaos

    chaos User

    I'm not sure exactly what their requirements are and if you're qualified for them yet but...

    when you search, arrange your hits by NEWEST first. If you're not doing this, the good ones are likely to be mostly snatched up by the time you find them. Some requesters I've found that put up quick hits and are good about approving: catalog choice, p9r, , readabl. Those are some that are posted often, and are very quick to do. They also pay almost immediately. They don't tend to post in large batches unfortunately, but keep searching and do some quick hits for those requesters. It will help get your approval rating up, and like I said they don't take long at all. The Catalog Choice ones usually take me 15 seconds or so.

    Also, not sure if you've noticed, but when you accept a hit you can check a box right under the accept button to "Automatically Accept the Next HIT". This will save time, and also makes sure you don't get beaten out by another worker to accept them.
  20. Zippo369

    Zippo369 Member

    Chaos & Turkalicious, Thanks a bunch. I look forward your post in the future. I just did The Catalog Choice in like 5 seconds, its way faster than those surveys and review I've been doing. I've also done a lot of work for
    CrowdSource but they're not letting me complete any more HITS.

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