It all gets better...

Discussion in 'General' started by razorbacks0121, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. Seems like the more hits I get in, the quicker the money comes. In other words don't give up! I remember a few weeks ago, my first days I was disappointed with 3.00-5.00 days. I didn't think Mturk had much to offer for me. Boy was I wrong. I'm now on my 21'st day, at 5k Hits, and I remember hoping for 10.00 a day. ;) Now it seems like I don't try to hard, for example today. I bs'd, went and got groceries, went out for lunch, cleaned the house, and did several other chores and still managed to squeeze 25.00 out. Thanks guys for all the advice...! Let's get this money. :cool:
  2. awesome.. are you leaving for the night oscar has a butt load of hits up
  3. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    He always does. I got a few more hits the other night after I reach the 1000K threshold, but finding anything decent to get the $$ people talk about is rare. I can't imagine getting to 150,000 completed hits off of Oscar or anything else that's posted except maybe one every few months. This is with spending more time on there than others claim to.
  4. the key is to find your niche.. i make great money daily doing just batch hits.. many people are not patient enough to do the mindless tasks over and over, it does get hard and you can get burned out easy.. you just need to figure out what to focus on.. some people just do transcription and make a killing.. others like me just do batches.. others just do surveys.. some mix it up.. oscar is great to boost numbers or give a cushion in case you get burned by a requester but i could not do only his hits i would go nuts lol
  5. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I'd only spend about an hour a week doing it if I only did that. Only people I know of who just do surveys are people with full time jobs.
  6. actually there are a lot of stay at home folks during the day who just do surveys i was kinda shocked to see that..
  7. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Yea, they should now by now that you can easily earn double by adding batch HITs into your mix. I am not stay at home, but I mix and I get the best results that way.
  8. see idk because i have done maybe 5 surveys in 3 months... i just hate them.. but some days i wished i had completed them
  9. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    In a sense, some of them are much like batch HITs, but without the consistency. If you get into a flow, you can get surveys done pretty fast, especially with kb shortcuts. This can be an issue with skipped AC's (Attention Checks) however.
  10. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    But a lot of them are limited in how many you can do, especially by Crowdsource, and Universities rarely put up more than one at a time. Add to that the ones that tell you not to repeat their survey, but you can't remember if you have or not. A lot of them are very similar, especially at the beginning, even between different requesters.
  11. What is the payrate offered by Oscar for Americans? I'm sure that Americans are not getting the crappy 2 cents that Oscar is offering to non-americans for doing his business card hits.
  12. It's the same crappy pay rate. :(

    I refuse to do them.
  13. Oscar has the same payrate for the whole planet. He don't have a separate batch for US.
  14. Speaking of Oscar, I noticed my score went up to a 92 this morning! Wonder if I can keep that hehe.
  15. I do as many surveys as I can, but I also do some batch hits, but not the ones that take forever. I have about 5 batch hit requesters that I use, but every once in a while I'll try a new one. I do ReR every day, and I've been trying to jump on the SET masters, but damn, they go quickly. I just don't like the subjectivity of some of the batch hits, so I get nervous. I also do writing every once in a while. It works for me.
  16. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    It's the same for Americans. 2 cents per HIT. I still do some every so often, but they take me 2-3 minutes each so I can only do 20-30 per hour.
  17. Has he been known to give the trusted worker out lately?

    * Also what is the highest anyone's been known to get their score to?
  18. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    For some reason, that made me LOL! (Maybe because it points out that at least he's not discriminating, and that's something.) Thanks, abraham.

    OP: great thread. It's true: getting past 1K and then figuring out what works for you along the way changes everything...and makes you a much more profitable Turker.
  19. Defiantly. Just playing around today at around $22.00 =]
  20. I found out the more hits I got, the easier it came defiantly. But I think the biggest improvement is just from learning experience. You learn a lot as you go.

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