Just realized I did 20+ HITS completely wrong. What should I do?

Discussion in 'General' started by Vemo, May 4, 2016.

  1. Vemo

    Vemo Member

    So I was working on ProductRNR image query HITS and did about 20 before realizing I had been doing them completely wrong. For some reason, I didn't see that each new column had a different query... I was just going off of the first query at the top. It was an honest mistake and now I'm worried all of these will be rejected.
    Have you guys done something like this before and how did you solve it? I'm unsure if I should contact them and let them know my mistake or wait until it's approved/rejected? :S I just don't want this ruining my approval rating, especially since I've never made this kind of mistake before with a HIT.

    I feel so dumb now. I was on such a roll until I noticed I did everything wrong. -_- What to do now...
  2. sweetmemories

    sweetmemories Active Member

    hi there,
    theres no need to worry sometimes it happens. u can send a mail to requestor what mistake u did and apologise for being careless if he/she feels they may not reject ur work .. else there r chances that they might pevent you from doing their hits anymore by imposing a hard block or simply prevnt you by soft block . mind it 3 continous hard block in 3 months equals to termination of mturk accpunt. so be more cautious next time.
  3. Pontiac

    Pontiac User

    Absolutely nothing mem is saying makes sense, nor is it proven to be true.

    ProductRnR operates off of a qual based system. They do not reject anymore. They used to in 2012 or so. Your qual will probably be taken away by the system, but you won't be rejected and blocked. You are fine.

    As for the blocks, 3 in 3 months doesn't suspend you. That's not verified in any way. Seems like everyone 'knows' how that works yet they have an active account. Both blocks are the same. Some give you the email, some don't.
  4. Vemo

    Vemo Member

    Okay that's good to know. I did a few more this time correctly, so I'm hoping they see it was just an honest mistake. Thank you, if I get the qual taken away I'll understand lol. I just didn't want those rejections. :(

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