Miserly requesters

Discussion in 'General' started by gabriel, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    Such requesters think for themselves they are smart and we are dumb!
    For a red cent they ask us to spend a lot of time for their benefit.
    For sure, many of us have noticed that by now.
    There is an great example:
    Find Businesses' Websites (Google) 2 (International)
    2cents per HIT that contains 2 pages of 5 company each. And each company with 3 links to search!!
    And that's not all! Some pages are in chiliric, so you have to do a google translation, and then again "search this too, and this, and this"
    Absolutely ridiculous!!
  2. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Just don't do them.

    Yeah, it's one thing to have a qualifying task that makes sure you are paying attention - but to have every HIT be pages long or multiple searches - no good. I've tried "new" HITs from them here and there just to have a look. Once I find out it's taking more than 15 seconds (based on pay, kinda) I return the HIT and move on to something else.
  3. True that...Some Crowdflower tasks are too much time and effort consuming for the lowest pay...

    I did one of tht 2de just bekoz i accidentally accepted and to so to avoid the return rate go up
  4. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Return rate will never affect your qualifications. Abandoned & rejected HITs can, so it's better to return it than let it expire or risk rejection.
  5. yep...you are right...I just did it for the sake of just completing it having done the first page...never again:)
  6. I've blocked crowdflower, their HITs are way too much for the pay, every time.
  7. Chytay

    Chytay User

    Sometimes you want to look for the "You gotta be Sh*tt'n me button" when you see these 2 cents and hour hits. I wished they'd put on in mTurk.;)
  8. Slicer

    Slicer User

    This needs to be an addition to TurkOpticon.
  9. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    haha! Such creativity. Love it.
  10. Mturk should give an option to leave a short reason when reporting a HIT. Sometimes, just for the lulz, I go through all the too-low-paying hits and report them as broken. Well, they must be broken, they forgot to put the right pay rate on!
  11. hapless

    hapless Guest

    The lulz? So you're wasting some Amazon employee's time to go through your bogus reports? :rolleyes:
  12. What?? Amazon workers check them? Ah well, I bet he/she's getting a better hourly rate than I am :) I prefer to see it as keeping them in a job.
  13. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    ...and then people wonder why Amazon doesn't give two shits about the workers.
  14. HAH!

    On another note, is this the same Slicer from the Editor Hour sessions? Have they said anything about those (mythic) Reference.com HITs?
  15. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I don't think he's Maggie's sidekick anymore ;)
  16. There's always someone with a SOH failure sheesh!
  17. Wow, I'm obviously missing something. Any chance of an explanation, or is that a touchy subject?
  18. Slicer

    Slicer User

    CS's writing/editing dropped off the face of the earth, poof. There was a test run of about 20 of those reference HITs a few weeks ago, then nothing. We actually had a whole summer schedule planned out for an Editor Hour every week, but let's face it, with no writing, what need for editors?

    Honestly, Turk itself is going down the drain, and the reason is what the OP posted: No one wants to fucking pay anything. The only thing left is NetMSI's porn.
  19. Another forum member mentioned some blog posting by a requester that was of interest and I spent a good hour or so reading his site. I don't want to give out link juice so if you're interested navigate to www dot behind-the-enemy-lines dot com - gives an interesting insight from "their" side of the fence.
  20. I noticed that about the Editor Hours, too. Makes me wonder if it's something with just that contract, or with the company in general. It's a shame...they were the shining light in the wasteland for a long time.

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