Oscar Smith?

Discussion in 'General' started by michaelandmeganc, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Bertha

    Bertha User

    How do you know I haven't passed up some dream job? Don't assume you know anything about me..all I stated is that this job, if I dare call it a job, allows me to be the mother I want to be, which is to be there for my child and if it means I earn a little money along the way then be it. No need to bring God into it, either, if I'm touchy, it's because for the last month all I have heard is a bunch of tantrums going off on this site.

    Seventh of minimum wage? How much do you make above minimum wage? If minimum wage or higher, is that every day or an average? And if you are one of the few, without scamming the system making minimum wage or above, I applaud you. But there is a reason why turking exist...it allows companies to hire people at a much lower rate..I thought everyone was in tune with that fact. Turking either allows you to make some kind of income while still doing what you want to do, most of the time or you have to. And if you have to, believe me I get it but don't pretend that by posting the unfairness of some requester you are going to change the world.

    Neither of us is going to win this, so lets just agree to disagree...I was going to write more, but I realized that that wouldn't be agree to disagree.
  2. OOOOhhhh... I knew you were going to say that. Knew knew knew it. I was so sure it would be your knee-jerk reaction that I almost addressed it in my original post, but then I thought, "why bother?" She'll just deny it anyway, the same way she'll deny every other obvious truth in this post. And then I thought, "why bother to post any of it, when you know she'll just deny every word?" To which I answered myself, "because it needs to be said." Even if I'm saying it to somebody with both eyes squinched shut and a finger stuffed down each ear canal.

    Yes. We all know that. But some of us also know that hiring people at a lower rate than legal minimum wage is a social and moral evil, and so is our own complicity in the matter. And we refuse to lie about that fact to ourselves, or to anybody else.

    If I must.

    But I won't agree to refuse to speak my mind freely around here, just because there is always going to be someone who disagrees with some part of it.
  3. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    As a woman who stays at home with a 1 year old, I find your argument worthless. Completely. Even more so than Oscar's HITs.

    Minimum wage is $10/hour in the US. I will work for less than minimum wage, because when you take out cost of gas, day care, and added stress of a brick and mortar job, I figure I'm saving money anyway. However, I won't work for people who assume I will work for peanuts. If they're an honest requester that says "I'm a student with limited funding and I need help" I get it, and if there's no decent work I'll help them out. Unfortunately for Oscar, his multi-million dollar business was bought out by LinkedIn and I'm fully aware at how "limited" his funding is. And the fact that each HIT takes minutes to accomplish no matter how fast you are makes his 2 cents a fucking joke. CrowdFlower and CrowdSource have slave wage jobs, yes -- but if you pay attention, they also have many, many jobs that pay well. They just don't sit there forever because people do them.

    Oscar is fair. I suppose he pays so little per HIT so he can afford to accept everything without rejecting anyone, which is why I said only newbies and those with no other quals (including low approval %) should be doing them. After you have 1000 HITs or get up to at least 95% approval, too many other jobs open up for you to waste your time on these.

    If you enjoy working for peanuts, great. That leaves the good jobs to me and the money for my kids. But you are adding to the impression that new requesters get -- that we are a community of people willing to work for nothing. If people stopped doing these shit HITs, they would either A.) raise the pay so people would be willing to do them again, or B.) get the fuck off mTurk so new requesters coming in maybe learn to pay us fairly.
  4. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Well the sad fact of the matter falls with requesters who decide their not even going to pay the small amount they owe. Sadly, if they decide they've paid enough for the day they can just start hitting the reject button and still keep the work. We have no control over that! That is the difference! At a job where you go into work there are labor laws and strict regulations...they have to pay you for the hours you work... here you are just screwed if they decide on a whim to not pay you! I won't say I work for slave wages! Sometimes I make minimum wage and sometimes I make more, sometimes less! But it is slave work when you work for free for some requesters who refuse to pay! Now that is slave wages!
  5. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Can't argue with that, Libby. Hourly wage doesn't matter when they don't pay you at all, and at least Oscar pays.
  6. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    I totally agree! I won't work for pennies anymore! Not when I went past the 1000 mark! If I can't average out a descent pay per hour I won't even bother! The problem is when newbies come in they have to get their number up...so they do the work for these cheapo's... and there is always newbies! So the cheapo requesters will always be here! Sad but so true!
  7. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    Even not being at 1k yet, I don't work for pennies. I've been mturking for 9 days, a little over an hour a day, (notat all yesterday, and my first two days I only earned 30 cents each) and have around $50.

    That's a little over $5/hr. which isn't bad for sitting at HOME, and not being eligible for the better HITs yet.

    (and.. I've done maybe two dozen Oscar hits. Even a noob can tell they take too much time and effort for what they pay.)
  8. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

  9. Bertha

    Bertha User


    Well if you knew it, you should have said it before I wrote it otherwise it holds no truth. Seriously, I didn't pass any dream job up, but I did quit my job to spend time with what I consider the most crucial time in a kids life to have their parent around.

    Regarding the wage, again, I get it.

    But...If we must...agree to disagree.

    Continue to speak your mind, believe me I have found that this forum has allowed many to speak their minds, including my own..where else can we vent?


    They are all multi-miilion dollar companies, if not multi, very close. Unless you are talking college surveys or thesis.
    BTW I don't think minimum wage is $10/hr in the US. I believe Federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, and here in California it's $8.00/hr.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012
  10. Bertha

    Bertha User

    This is what I was trying to say to OP. Oscar pays...no matter what.
  11. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    True. I've never had Oscar to not pay!
  12. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    This deserves repeating. You've expressed it beautifully.
  13. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

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