Question about HITs that are pending for days.

Discussion in 'General' started by jake540, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. jake540

    jake540 Member

    I'm relativity new to turking. Ive been at it for about 10 days now, but I notice a few of my hits are still pending since day one. So I was wondering. Is there anything I can do about these. Like is there some way I can get in contact with the requester and find out if they can be approved or not?
  2. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Requesters have up to 30 days to approve your hits. There is a good script (Script Monkey needs to be installed, then go over to the scripts section of this forum to find the approval time script) to tell you what the requester's approval setting is.

    Hits automatically approve at 30 days, so no, you really needn't do anything in the meantime, except to install the script so that you know what the waiting period will be.
  3. j0sh

    j0sh User

    Your hits say Pending Approval or Approved - Pending Payment?

    If you are within your first 10 days they will remain Approved - Pending Payment until your tenth day. They will eventually turn to Paid, so long as you have submitted a hit every day for those 10 days.

    If it says Pending Approval, there may not be much you can do. Some Requester's just take their time. You can look at this thread and install the Auto Approval script, which will tell you the Auto Approval time for HITs.!
  4. jake540

    jake540 Member

    They say Approved - Pending Payment. I checked and today is my official 10th day. I started back on October 10th and 11th. But something went wrong with my SSN and I had to wait until November 6th to start again. Right now I'm at $9 in my account settings, but my total earrings is $57.01. So that's why I'm kinda worried. I guess all I have too do now then is wait till they all start getting paid?
  5. j0sh

    j0sh User

    Don't worry, they will start to clear soon. Requester's must pay for the HIT's before you perform them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2012
  6. You have 57.01 in total earnings, but $9.00 in your Amazon Payments account. This is because when the transfer of your total earnings transfers from your mturk account to your amazon payments account it is a slow process. It will slowly trickle in. To answer your original answer. They all said Approved - Pending payment because you were still in your "beginner 10 day period". They had been approved, but you can't be paid into your Amazon Payments account until after your 10th day. Which you just had, which is why your money is starting to trickle in at 9.00 right now. Hope this helps you. Hope I answered everything.
  7. jake540

    jake540 Member

    Ah okay, I understand now. Thank you both for clearing that up for me. Its much appreciated!
  8. j0sh

    j0sh User

    No worries. Happy Turking!
  9. Good Luck to you!

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