Question for Turkopticon users

Discussion in 'General' started by Athena, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Athena

    Athena User

    What do you think about this turkopticon suggestion?
    (C&P'ed from the TO forum)


    A simple change regarding "generosity"
    Apparently some TO users think paying workers $1 an hour is "generous." It makes the generosity bar almost worthless.

    Would it be possible to change generosity to "estimated hourly wage"?

    It could start with less than $2 an hour, then have a $3-4 an hour option, etc, with "Over $8 an hour" being the top possibility


    Lilly and Six want to know what we think.
    India-based workers, they want to hear from you, too!

  2. Me personally I am only worried about if the requester is responsive and if they are fair. As for the wage it is obvious when you start doing their work. Also keep in mind trying to do exact wages would be hard since requesters post different types of work that pays differently. Be almost impossible to create a 'hourly' rating taking into account those factors. Still workin on that turkalert based improvement. Hopefully a week or two and I shall have something ready.
  3. Athena

    Athena User

    Yeah, the precise wage would just be a rough guesstimate (and precise wage also varies by worker speed) but I think changing general generosity to something more akin to hourly-wage would make it much, much more functional.

    Also, this was part of Lilly's response to me:
    So, maybe at least in theory, in the future you could search for work within turkopticon, filtered by wage, and only showing requesters who have at least, say, 10 HITs available at that moment. (where you could also check fairness rates/reviews before working on the HIT.) Or something cool like that.
  4. Making it searchable by things like that would make it easy to know what requesters to look out for. That definitely would help people.
  5. 2$ an hour could be regarded as a general and generous wage for Indians as far I take it to my concern
  6. Athena

    Athena User

    How many USD's a day do you need to live on, for food, electricity, etc?
  7. 20K Indian Rupess that is nearly 400$ per month is what a fresh engineering graduate is paid out here.

    I dont contribute my turk earnings to my household income..These money i use to buy stuffs for me and my family(dad,mom and sis)

    An average Indian family of say 4 members' monthly expense can range anywhere from
    25K - 35K Rupees per month that is around ( 500$ - 700$ )

    I dont stand any responsibilities for the time being and so money hw much it is always welcome.My daily earnings on Mturk have varied from 50$ - 1$ depending on my mood to do the tasks and also the availability of high payn jobs

    P.S : This is just my assumption.I cud be proved wrong
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2012
  8. Athena

    Athena User

    Yeah, we have massive costs of living differences, I think.

    I live in a tiny, tiny house (600 square feet), and electricity alone is $400 a month. Rent is cheap here in Memphis compared to other USA cities, but that's at least $400 a month, too, for a one room apartment/efficiency place.
  9. HOW?!?!?!?!?!

    Like.. how is that even possible?! 400$ a month ?!?! What are you growing :p
  10. Athena

    Athena User

    Yeah, I know, right?
    And we're not growing anything besides veggies in the yard. Srsly.

    Some combination of the TN Valley Authority:
    And MLG&W

    ...they're totally fucking us over.
    Rent is really cheap in Memphis, but utilities are super-expensive.

  11. I think ya'll gettin RAPED! No fucking just str8 up Raped!

    Thats just Crazy!
  12. The frikkn politicians are fkkn it up for ppl evrywhere...If anything gud has to happen we gotta have elections 24*7
  13. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    WOW $400 a month...I could barely survive on 400 a week if I wasn't living at home still...
  14. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    Wait.. so your utilities added up is more than your rent?!?!
  15. vordai

    vordai User

    I live in New Jersey, and my combined electric / gas is about $130 for a 1-bedroom apartment (500 sq feet). But then my rent is $1200

    Wow, you peeps in TN have it pretty bad on utilities.
  16. Athena

    Athena User

    BUMP! (for the turkopticon subject, not how badly we're personally getting fucked by Memphis Light Gas and Water.)
  17. Athena

    Athena User

    Yeah. We own now (inherited an $8K house), but when we rented, rent was $350 a month and utilities were $400.

    We also have a "guard dog" which gives the utility company meter-readers a great excuse to guesstimate our power use up.

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