Share goals and how confident you are

Discussion in 'Goals' started by djjustice24, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. djjustice24

    djjustice24 Member

    My goal is to help with affording daycare MAN its expensive. i didnt want to get a part time job because its a hassle so much of my time is taken by my day job and my child and wife already. i found mturk on the simple dollar website a financial website. luckliy ive been doing good but when i see some of you who have like 1000 hits submitted a day i feel like a kid compared to you so i dont feel as confident to reach my goal of at least $200 a month, but then i found that as long as i submit as many hits a day as i can i should get somewhere. any advice on getting a masters qual would be helpful thank you.
  2. TAC

    TAC User

    Masters is random. There has been many, many theories, posts, etc. on how it is obtained and to date nothing is confirmed. Some people get it early, others it can take years or 100,000 plus hits. One person stated they had 300,000 hits with no masters.

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