my goal is to buy a 3DS XL

Discussion in 'Goals' started by zEric7x, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Hello. I joined this site two years ago. I used to follow it often. Time passed and I let my Amazon Mechanical Turk account go into an unused state. In any case sometime last week I had an idea.

    I had somewhat wanted a 3DS for some time but I did not want spend money on it. I figured why not earn it online. I plan on using sites like Swagbucks as well but most of the earnings will be made with Amazon Mechanical Turk.

    When it comes to Amazon Mechanical Turk I have always been somewhat lazy and relied on advice from others to make anything in a day. I am curious to see if I can complete this goal. It is going to require a bit of work ethic from me. This goal is not so much about getting the 3DS so much as the challenge to see if and how long it would take me to make the about $200 I need. I am already starting off with an Amazon gift card balance of $20 so… yeah there is that.

    I will post updates here of progress and when and if I get the 3DS I will do an unpacking video. It should be fun!
  2. uknumba1

    uknumba1 User

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Good luck on your goal! You have a little bit of a start which is always a motivator. I gave up on swagbucks as it seems a waste of time to me and time that I could be earning dollars on mturk instead of pennies there. I'd look at Bing rewards, got a few $5 gift cards there occasionally which is a little bit of a boost. Also, trade in old electronics with amazon trade-in for a little more of a boost.
  3. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    That is true. I still use it out of habit if anything. I like making the daily goals on there and I have used the site for some time. I recently ordered a $25 gift card so it helped.

    Thanks for the advice. I already mainly use Bing and I am in the rewards program.
  4. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I made about $26 this past few days. Not the best but I am not working that hard honestly. I made $10 on another site and that is on my Amazon gift cards balance. I also got a $25 gift card from Swagbucks. I mentioned it earlier but I got the email today.

    I needed $210 to get the 3DS XL. This is the bundle without the charger and no games. I will need more around $220 to get what I want.

    I currently have $89.73. I would say I am 40% there to my goal.
    #4 zEric7x, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2015
  5. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    So I have been doing work online as usual. Its funny how this is supposed to be a thread about Amazon Mechanical Turk earnings but I been making money everywhere else. Haha. I guess I just spreed myself across multiple sites.

    I do surveys on multiple sites and I received a gift card from them recently for $25. I transferred about $10 from my Amazon Mechanical Turk balance as well.

    I now have $120 dollars. Over half way there!

  6. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I now have $160. I am very close to my goal. I found I actually needed $220. I plan on putting more effort next week. I am still earning quite a bit from surveys and other sites. I really like Swagbucks and instaGC. Doing the daily goal on Swagbucks really helps. I am getting another $25 gift card soon.

    I think I will make the order of the new 3DS XL sometime in September. I am surprised that this goal is going well. I just realized something though. I will get the 3DS but no game....That will be fun right? I most likely just buy my first game with cash out of being impatient.
  7. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I am very close to my goal now. I needed about $30 and I made $23 today (this is very good for me). If I can make about $10 tomorrow this combined with the earnings of my other work sites (Swagbucks and instaGC) mean I will order the 3DS by the end of the week. Maybe even Thursday or Friday.
  8. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I was able the Order the 3DS and charger today. The goal was a success! According to Amazon I should get both this Sunday. That should be lots of fun.
  9. AJBBB

    AJBBB User

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Congrats! =]
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Very happy for you! Let us know how it is!

    I have a DSL and have wanted to upgrade to 3DS XL for their bigger screen but seeing that I stopped playing on it, I decided against it. I'll keep it in case I go back to it.
  11. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Here is the 3DS. If I look bored in the picture it is because I just was done doing some tasks. I was very happy yesterday though. I had fun playing around with the features and I like it.

    I now plan on making the money needed to buy Animal Crossing New Leaf.

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