New user wondering how to make some real cash

Discussion in 'General' started by Mayhone1, May 15, 2012.

  1. Mayhone1

    Mayhone1 Member

    May 15, 2012
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    Hi, I'm chris, just started using mturk a few days ago, and I have seen people on this forum post images of balances on money they have made being around $3000 and more. I was wondering how long does it usually take to make that, what are some of the better ways to make the cash and how much for amount of time is the average. I don't have another job at the moment so this is important to me.

    Also, maybe it's because I'm new but the last few days after working a great hit for a set amount of hours I get, "There are no HITs available for you at this time. Please try again tomorrow." when there are clearly more to do, why does this happen?

    Thanks guys.

  2. kolevski

    kolevski User

    Jan 22, 2012
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    It all depends , what ammount of time are you willing to work daily on mturk? If its usual work time ( 7 hours ) then i guess you could make between 30-50$ ( or even more , i just gave examples of usual "good" mturk hour salaries of 4$-6$) with less than 500 hits done. When you reach 500 HITs , you will get another 200000-300000 HITs to work on( <500 has around 150k-200k HITs available daily , 500++ has 400k-500k hits available daily ). Same thing applies to 1000 HITs done , 2000 HITs done and 3000++ HITs done

    Try getting many qualifications for certain repeatable HITs.
    Use turkopticon tool , it helps alot
    Use reddit list of good profitable surveys ( not 60min for 0.20$ or any ridic surveys). There people try to find surveys which can get you 0.10$/minute , since it averages 6$ an hour.

    Don't expect that on early level you'll find anything above 6$/hour , in fact that's good mturk hour wage. You can get higher amounts for working for private requesters , and doing private work non related to mturk site. ( They pay you with bonus on mturk ).

    And to answer your last question , by the text "There are no HITs available for you at this time. Please try again tomorrow." tells me that you were doing crowdflower HITs , you can often do 10-20 hits in a row with them then they don't allow you to do HITs for a while. I wouldn't recommend crowdflower HITs since they are usually terrible paying and they hour wage is below anything a real good turker should accept.

    Hope this helped.
  3. Mayhone1

    Mayhone1 Member

    May 15, 2012
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    Thats for that, also what is private requesters?
  4. Mayhone1

    Mayhone1 Member

    May 15, 2012
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    Thanks I mean, lol.
  5. kolevski

    kolevski User

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Well basically it's same as mturk requester just it's private work , you have higher amount of work given to you and the hour wage is increased , since requester expects you to do excellent job for him
  6. Mayhone1

    Mayhone1 Member

    May 15, 2012
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    How do you go about getting this type of work?
  7. yourfavoritewife

    yourfavoritewife Active Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Christopher, for the first nine or 10 days, you are limited to 100 HITS a day. That is why you are seeing this notice. Kolevski is correct that some requesters, like CrowdFlower, do cap you at a certain number of HTS within a particular time. That said, if you continue to do their HITS when available, they will email you when new ones are up for you to do.

    Best of luck.
  8. yourfavoritewife

    yourfavoritewife Active Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Mayhone, I'd like to add that when I started, my first goal was to shoot for minimum wage or higher. To help me with this, I refuse to do jobs where I would average less than .12/minute. Granted, sometimes I'd make a bit less than that at first to learn the job, and then I'd start using keyboard shortcuts and really speed through the jobs. (For instance, the CrowdSource jobs are good for this.) I also found a few transcription companies that I like. (Personally, I have one for longer jobs and one for shorter jobs.) Some of these companies will give you bonuses for well-done work. So, it took a little time to learn the style guides, but then I was able to eventually speed through them.

    So, I guess what it comes down to is finding the kind of HITS that you like, really getting to know how to do them, avoid rejections, and then work on efficiency.

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