Beware Jennifer McKay

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by online99, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. online99

    online99 Banned

    HIT was created to get banner clicks on her site. Once you click it, she rejects your HIT. Beware! She's fishing for clicks and making ad revenue money while racking up your rejection percentage on mturk.:mad:
  2. Thank you online99.. for the info...
  3. magickitty1972

    magickitty1972 New Member

    Same thing happened to me. I just joined mturk yesterday, so her rejection really hurts my percentage! (I actually found this forum because I just had a thought that she might be a scammer, so I did a google search).
  4. Sorry to hear that. Better don't do these type of HITs in the future for any requester. At first me was in the view that all requester are good when I got some rejections I started appealing to the requester, some requesters apologized (CF( and Redwood) and given me bonus. But that did affected my approval rate. Also for the case of the other requesters theey didn't replied. I am now using the turkopticon tool to identify the black sheeps and trying a luck to do some new HITs who don't have got any reviews in Turkopticon, sometimes I find success or some times as you guess yes rejection happens. Then I will give my Experience in this regard to this forum and also in turkopticon. Hope all this will help some people here. :)
  5. magickitty1972

    magickitty1972 New Member

    Thanks, Riaz! I did send a note to this requester to ask what I did wrong, but after reading the original post in this thread, I don't expect to hear back. Thanks for the tip about turkopticon... I'll be sure to check it out!
  6. With pleasure.. :) Happy Mturking....
  7. quiet_forest

    quiet_forest Member

    Ditto. She burned me on the 26th. I have to wonder about something, though. I went along for over two years with a 99.8% approval rating, then got dinged several times, all in the last three months. I know a couple of other people who're experiencing the same thing. Do these McKay types show up on Turk in clusters?
  8. maggie

    maggie New Member

    She also got me and a friend. I also wrote her, but no response. I did turn her in with the violates turk policy link, but she was back a couple of days ago. She is the only rejection I have gotten and from now on I will avoid the to good to be true hits. Just found this forum, what a great place!
  9. Dirtydux

    Dirtydux New Member

  10. Noliah

    Noliah User

  11. Shego

    Shego User

    You know who kills me? Todd Dickerson..Dickenson...whatevs...point is he claims if you keep working on his HITS you will receive bonuses. Let me tell you I have been working on his HITS for nearly 5 years now and I have NEVER received this elusive bonus he speaks of. And when I contacted him to ask about it he never replied. I still do the hits if I'm in the "writing mood" but I've accepted the fact that he's full of $#!t...most of them are.
  12. Total Rejector

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