Corey B: Good for Article Writers

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by kalikool123, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. rainbow

    rainbow Member

    I am not able to find the requester. Are any HITs available now?
  2. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    How many words? $.15 cents translates into INR 7.50. Its junk pay for the amount of work you put in.
  3. I ahave done his work and got approved. He asked for about 50 word article which could be created fast from the paragraph he used to give.
    I cannot find him these days. :(
  4. WebDizzy777

    WebDizzy777 New Member

    I am newer. I did some articles for Corey B (Write a quick summary of an article $0.15) and about only 25% of them got approved. The others were rejected. I thought the work was quality... no grammar errors, no spelling errors, was definitely not copy and paste... and most of all not really any different then what I did for the ones that got approved. He committed "Well Done! Thanks for your help." next to the approved ones. Under feedback for the rejected ones he did not leave any. I am new and have been doing this for about a week, does anyone have experience with this requester and know if he is legitimate? I haven't had any rejected hits before him.
  5. kristilec

    kristilec User

    I did one writing HIT for him and it got rejected. The only other writing HIT I've had rejected was from Code White US and they told me "bad work" after approving 8 or 9 other writing HITS I did for them. Funny since I have several requesters who actually TELL me when they have writing HITS up and I get bonuses about 80% of the time. I have Corey B and Code White US on my do not do list.
  6. WebDizzy777

    WebDizzy777 New Member

    Thanks for the feedback kristilec! It makes me more confident, now I just need to get my approval rating back up to recover from his damages! Only having done like 250 hits, his few rejections kinda hurt!
  7. kristilec

    kristilec User

    Yes when you do mostly writing hits or transcription hits those rejections can kill your rating quickly. I try to do some of the cheap "easy" HITS when I have nothing else going just to pad my percentages a bit. I do find it odd that I have 4 rejections since I've been on Mturk but my value says 6. Not sure what is up there.
  8. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    I've not done the Corey B hits, but I do Terril A Retter. Same format, same word requirements, more pay.
  9. ladysawfan

    ladysawfan New Member

    corey b is not good. i wrote a great summary and got my first rejection ever, from him
  10. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Has anyone that's received a rejection from them learned why they were rejected?
  11. WebDizzy777

    WebDizzy777 New Member

    No, I even emailed him to ask why the rejection and no response. Looks to me like he just doesn't want to pay for all off the jobs... but I don't know...
  12. kristilec

    kristilec User

    I also emailed him when he rejected my work and got no response.
  13. AnastasiaDesign

    AnastasiaDesign New Member

    I've done a lot of CoreyB hits - he's one of my favorite Mturkers, actually - and I've never been rejected by him so far. His writing tasks are most often summaries, so they can be written in 3-4 minutes after a thorough reading of the article so it pays well. Not like other jobs where you need to write the entire article.

    Oscar and Corey are pretty much my first two go-to turkers, for me.

    (and hi guys! I'm new here, but I've been lurking for a while now. I love Mechanical Turk)
  14. chaos

    chaos User

    I submitted two article summaries for Corey B yesterday. I will update when they are either approved/rejected. I have never submitted a writing HIT until now so hopefully my work is up to par.
  15. chaos

    chaos User

    Just got approved for both of the article summaries I submitted yesterday. Will definitely be doing a few more when they're available.
  16. kansley

    kansley Member

    Code White US stiffed me, too.
  17. chaos

    chaos User

    I've now submitted about a dozen for Corey B, and every single summary has been approved. It is possible that I've just been lucky, but has anyone who is an actual experienced writer had any rejections from him? I don't mean this to sound accusative or insulting, but is it possible that those who have been rejected simply don't have sound writing abilities? I'm just curious because I've had absolutely no issues with rejections, and from the positive TO reviews it seems as though there are plenty of people who have had nothing but positive experiences with Corey B.
  18. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    It may be quality control that's cause for rejections. I've never had a rejection on a writing assignment. And I love those summary HITs some days.

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