Title: Life Experiences 2 Requester: Rosalind Chow [A2UDEIOU58FAO7] (TO) Description: In this 5 to 10 minute study, you will be asked to answer questions about your life experiences and/or current events. Reward: $1.00 Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US Link: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2NPDAT2D5NQYN1KOZOAG9TZMUH573W [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size] doing it now, will update on time 8 minutes
Excellent TO Title: (beta) mimic 8 facial expressions Requester: turkexperiment.com Description: In this HIT you are asked to mimic facial expressions. We need expressions of eight emotions, sometimes with additional snapshots for different head positions. *** This task requires that you have a flash player, a web camera and that you provide your consent for your picture to be taken, uploaded to our servers and shared with other workers to verify how well you have performed. *** Notice: You can only do four (4) HITs of this type. After that you will see a message urging you to return a HIT. *** We're just starting with our system and welcome your feedback. Reward: $0.48 Qualifications: None Link: Mimic 8 facial expressions Kinda fun, took me 5 minutes, approved within a half hour. It says you're able to do it up to 4 times. I did 1, came back to do more after it approved, and it said it had no tasks for me =[
The ClariTrans HITs that are currently up aren't so bad. Most of the 35 second ones have been taking me under 2 minutes to complete. https://www.mturk.com/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&requesterId=A1V1AJBB2ICODE
Just under 7 here. It may be worth noting that it requires you to fill in the final comment section before proceeding.
Hey guys, Sorry for the wrong location, I have a question on "top-tiered writing" from Crowdsource. I have the Qualification, but no numerical number. Does that come later? I'm not sure what's going on, here, no e-mails or anything. I search for my qualified hits, and writing things come up. I have the Qualification for it, but I can't actually take on any jobs. I submitted my test morning of 1/3/13. So, only a few days ago. Thanks everybody, in advanced. :ranger:
well, the airline provides all the training for you. You just have to check out their open job positions and should provide you info on how to apply.
Have you checked out the NatureGirl book? She has a lot of neat helpful hints for transcribing on MTurk. She's really friendly and is easy to contact through the private message thing.
be there at 1430 so yeah dont worry not just you!is it busy? i dont want them to call ut that shit is been fucking with me!
Have you looked at the Claritrans guidelines? http://www.claritrans.com/static/claritrans/transcription-formatting-guide.html You have to be sure to put in every Ah, Uh-huh, Mm-hm and other odd ball things. Be sure to start with a capital letter even if it isn't the beginning of the sentence and always end with a period even if the sentence hasn't ended. Check spellings, like Okay, not OK. Lots of info on the guideline sheet.
do you have masters qual? and how exactly do you get it? just requesting it? cuz thats shit has not work for me...
Title: Participate in a very short survey Requester: William Minozzi [ABQRNK5D2C1HB] (TO) Description: Participate in a very short survey Reward: $0.50 Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US Link: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=25MSIHPCGJ2DR1MVHSOH7JPRVI8286 [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size] 3 minutes
I got a 100 on my first try. I did about 25-30. I got 1 rejection and then stopped doing them. Not bad to do on a slow day, but beware of 1-2 rejections out of 50-60 hits.
Reviewed the guidelines, the review qualification test is made up of examples with 3 yes or no questions. "accurate" "use of Speaker" and "followed guidelines." I'll give it another go and see how I do. EDIT: Got it this time!
Ah, been a while since I took it. Be sure to remember to only use Speaker if there is more than one person talking. You don't need it for a single speaker. Other than that, just watch the spellings and the little interjections with correct punctuation after the word. Good luck!