Can't find Fun HITS? 12/27 Superior Hits Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Kanna, Dec 26, 2014.

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  1. yea, coonass is only not offensive to those who use it, others often get offended by it. It's in reference to cajuns.
  2. Bald

    Bald User

    Bro, NC dont got nothing but softies and weirdos. Its all about dat thug life over here in CA. We jump over rocks and shoot pool like no other. We got gangs of smog particles, all over the place.

  3. So, does anyone want to hear about my big ass 'coon?

    She's not cajun, but she is a very, very fat pet raccoon - hence the big ass. :)
  4. Bald

    Bald User

    How, why, and what in the actual... How did this come about?
  5. seamonkey7

    seamonkey7 Active Member

    My coworker at a stained glass studio I worked at in college had a 3 legged pet raccoon. I always wanted to meet her, but a manager was allergic to dander. When anything got messed up, we blamed the raccoon
  6. Calebro

    Calebro Guest


  7. lol

    You don't know about Debra?
  8. Bald

    Bald User

    I do not. Unless you are talking about a Deborah.. Thats besides the point. Who is Debra?
  9. TASU10

    TASU10 User

    Let's go Cornhuskers, beat U$C. :)
  10. Comp.Social is saving my day from being really poor to just mediocre.
  11. smmcclan

    smmcclan Member

    I'm a few drinks in from a Christmas party I went to. Time to do some hits! Is it a bad idea? Probably. Am I going to do it anyway? Yes.
  12. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

  13. Well it was a few days ago but I'll go look in trash folder and see if it's still there so I can copy/paste for you. Those are exactly the questions I asked Mturk and that was the response I got. I'm still very active and they took care of it so no reason for me to lie about.
  14. Happy_Seal

    Happy_Seal User

    Don't drink and turk :) Not a good idea.
  15. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Not a great idea to advertise this. It makes us all look bad.
  16. smmcclan

    smmcclan Member

    I'm not saying I'm drunk nor unable to do hits properly.
    Just poking a little fun!
  17. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

    Calebro and baldy. I know about gangs.

  18. I have dumped my trash folder but there is a lot more about it and other people who also had the same happen in this thread...Thread: Holiday Hard Blocks from Paul Thibodeau
  19. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

  20. Debra is my very fat pet raccoon. I've mentioned her here a number of times and figured everybody had heard about her.

    Long story short, a friend of mine ended up with three very tiny raccoons that a friend of hers son had found. He took them to his mother, who didn't want them and so she gave them to my friend. Anyway, my friend kept one (the male - "Hank"), her in-laws took one of the females, and another friend of hers took the other female ("Debra").

    Fast forward a few months and the person who took Debra was going to have to move. That move meant living in a 25 foot (?) motor home in a small RV park with her mother-in-law, three big pit bulls, and two cats - and maybe the raccoon. Her other option was to just abandon Debra there where she was living, which would have sucked because Debra had been totally dependent on humans since she was probably only about four weeks old. She also had no fear of dogs. Anyway, neither option was much of a choice and she asked if I could take her.

    Honestly, I didn't want to take her. At that time, I was in the middle of fighting with a wild raccoon who had killed 50 of my ducks and countless chickens over a nine month period and I wasn't feeling much raccoon love at that time and the idea of bringing a raccoon into my house didn't sound like such a good idea. But I didn't see where the other two options were going to work either.

    So, I took her. That was in November of last year and it's been.....uh, interesting, to say the least. I happen to have a very high animal tolerance but having a pet raccoon in the house has been very challenging and is not something I'd recommend.

    She's wonderful and she's been a joy in many ways, but in many ways, despite that, she is still a wild animal at heart and likes to remind us of that from time to time - like earlier this evening when my son needed to use the bathroom and Debra wouldn't let him in there because she was eating a corn on the cob in the bathtub (I gave it to her in the bathtub because it's easy to clean up the mess there). lol

    She can be very affectionate and gets up on my lap and rolls onto her back for belly rubs; I even play "little piggy" with her toes. We also play the "Cheeto game," where I stick a Cheeto in my mouth so it sticks out a little bit and she reaches up and takes it out of my mouth with her little hands.

    But she also gets pissed and stays pissed - like the other day when I caught her trying to sneak out the bathroom window she had managed to get open. I caught her and she stayed pissed at me for the rest of the day - growling at me every time I walked by her. I don't know if she remembers why she's pissed, but she really carries a grudge - sometimes for several days at a time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2014
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