Can't Find Good HITs? 12/27

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Don_Gabriel, Dec 27, 2012.

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  1. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    Title: Finding Cable Price / Rate Sheets
    Requester: Ali R Yurukoglu [A2A09F37Y2XIQJ] (TO)
    Description: Search for PDF's for Local Cable Prices from Present and Years Past
    Reward: $1.00
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    No TO

    I found mine with this search string:

    I submitted this one so don't submit it:
  2. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I don't think it was the music that did you in, special snowflake :(
  3. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  4. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I just searched "2009 comcast pricelist .pdf" and found one that was randomly posted from a forum. Ching!
  5. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Same thing happened to me. I scored a 5.
  6. DustinOber

    DustinOber User

  7. correlation

    correlation Member

  8. davis0298

    davis0298 User it just me or are the Rubins just dragging on today. I did a bunch, but now I am done with them for awhile. I don't know if it's the big drop in price, but they are not as exciting to see as they used to be.
  9. He's just an everyday normal guy who got high as fuck, and decided to chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything.
  10. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Welcome to every relationship ever
  11. Less exciting? Sure. Dropping in price? HA
  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    oh sure. the longer it goes on, the cheaper you would sell your spouse...
  13. Ahhhh, I was just looking at it the wrong way.
  14. NYturker

    NYturker User

    Nice, I found Verizon FiOS price sheet pdf in NY in less than a minute.
  15. Damn today has been a letdown. It seems I've worked more than any other day except for my two aberration days where I was able to pull $110 on one and almost $80 on another...and I have barely cleared $30. I mean, that's about my average, but holy shitballs was it a grind.
  16. skyman

    skyman User

    So, for this find the cable price hit.......where does it say what area we're suppose to look at?
  17. er111a

    er111a User

    Awww I am sorry guys :(
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i've been averaging about 7/hour on the rubin hits, usually i'm doing way better than that, even post-pay cut and with these mainly marginal schools, but on the plus side, it looks like everyone's having the same issue, so the batches are moving a lot slower... probably has to do with being burnt out since this is all that's been around since sunday for the most part...
  19. kryptik

    kryptik User

    I believe whichever town you can find should suffice.
  20. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    Beware!! He just rejected my hit with the message: duplicates. If you look at the ones he posted you will see mine wasn't a dup. He is getting bad TO. Lame.

    EDIT: Sorry this was for the cable price hit

    his list:
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