Can't Find Tantalizing HITs? 9/12 Sit Back and Relax Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 12, 2015.

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  1. arv

    arv User

    I swear to god, Netflix must be using mturk or some other microtask group to write their content descriptions, because many of them are really unprofessional-sounding or just plain awful. I can't imagine them paying someone a salary to write them.

    They didn't use to read so horribly.
  2. IAmSpock

    IAmSpock User

    Never played Dark Souls and probably need a better computer to play it on. Come on Mturk show me the money!
  3. consume

    consume Active Member

    Thanks, yea I guess it is an iffy thing.

    I had searched but didn't find anything. thanks for the help.

    I want to learn some coding, mainly only how to pre answer radials.
  4. The AA is 3 days on those.
  5. Just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why I had no sound. Check settings, cords, blah, blah. Finally realized my speakers were turned off. I don't think this is gonna be a good work day for me.
  6. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Oh good, I'm not alone then
  7. Have you ever seen official press releases for new episodes of TV shows?

    They usually do read like someone got paid 5 cents per description.
  8. “A hardworking widow must provide for her three children and their pet (a duck!). Enter the villainous Wolf (Richard E. Grant), who wants to purloin the bird for use in a wildlife sideshow that decoys attention from his main business—selling exotic birds on the black market. Will the kids get their beloved pet back and be able to foil Wolf’s illegal business … all without ‘quacking up’ in the process?”*
  9. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    You're not alone I still don't know what burkes are or how to catch them
  10. You need a water Pokemon to defeat them.
  11. arv

    arv User

    Beat me to the Pokemon reference.

    Just make sure to bring a pokemon with Mean Look or the Arena Trap ability. They tend to flee.
  12. Afternoon, weekend crue...

    PEfT: $0.38...

  13. If it makes you feel better my $3 for the day are from a shady HIT that will probably reject.
  14. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Hello everyone
  15. frood

    frood User

    Damn, three pages. Afternoon, freaksticks!
  16. arv

    arv User

    Doing content research always seems quick and easy for 20 cents. Most of them involve glancing once at the article, knowing right off the bat it's a one and sending it on it's way. Then you get one that takes ten minutes to read and it shatters your payrate into sweatshop wage-level.

    But you'll probably lose your qual if you don't do the long ones, since they're most likely the quality checks.

    The bonuses do tend to bring the work back up to a decent wage, though. I always get them.
  17. myopia

    myopia User

    I suck at them, not good at making a quick judgement. I end up reading the drivel. What do you type for them? "Yet another waste of bandwidth." "Pointless article." "Seriously?" :)
  18. arv

    arv User

    I state exactly what is right or wrong about them: "Sparse writing" "obvious information" "poorly written", "confusing", "Adequately addresses the query" (for 3s), ect. They get more personalized for 4s and 5s, and I will comment something more specific in the case that someone is uniquely bad about the article, but that's almost for my own entertainment (I doubt anyone reads most of these comments). When an article with scrambled words appears, I usually comment where I found them and I give the article a 1. Seem to satisfy them.

    I also stick to giving the article a "No" in the satisfying category if I rate it a one or a two, only giving a "Yes" at 3 or higher.

    Also, learn to speed read. If I'm dyslexic and I can do it, then anyone can.
  19. arv

    arv User

    Mostly I just do Content Researches while I wait for something better. Yesterday was really good, and I noticed CRs barely dropped. That makes me 90% sure I'm the one doing the bulk of them, because usually they're half gone by now.
  20. arv

    arv User

    Just got a wiki article that literally suggests you make fun of women to make them more attracted to you. Um...Pretty sure the only kind of woman that would attract has issues.
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