Can't Find Awesome HITs? 12/15 Tantalizing Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 14, 2015.

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  1. Only got 20 YTA in and just caught the end of that train. Here's to hoping that they post more!
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    We've been doing them all night long. Maybe they only hate day crew.
  3. [video=youtube;nqAvFx3NxUM][/video]

    Yeah, this is what I imagine night crew to be like...
  4. I got 50 YTA wish I was doing them sooner instead of sitting around doing nothing...
  5. I bet requesters have day and night crew too and switch around HITs to mess with us

    Maybe we should check
  6. yeah me too.

    Kid was sick, other one had shots so she wasn't sleeping well cause of fever. I was up till 2 am and taking care of them and watching "The Ridiculous 6", the new Adam Sandler film, till I finally fell asleep.

    I could have been making money instead of watching that crap.
  7. I went to the gym got home around 2am, washed dishes, showered, folded towels, cleaned up some more, played a little cs:go then got in bed to turk
    [​IMG] - This should've been me
  8. WCH

    WCH User

    B, sometimes I love you. No homo.
  9. Skitsnygg

    Skitsnygg User

    Two lakes
  10. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Damn, good thing I caught those 3 lakes, would have starved to death without the 30 cents. All 3 of them was about teenage mutant ninja turtles.
  11. B

    B User

    You keep your dick in your pants you can love me all you want.
  12. MrRascal

    MrRascal User

    Title: Answer a survey about brands
    Requester: James Matherly III [A1AUN1DG5BH6U5] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.89 Communicativity
    4.58 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    4.97 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 33
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: View a stimuli and answer some questions about brands
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 18
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100; Location is one of: CA, US; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    Says 5-8 minutes.
  13. Han

    Han User

    I must have finally figured out how people get YTA past the cap, I'm at 98 right now. Keep the "thank you for completing our hits" hit in queue and you might be able to do more? I was originally capped at 80, left it in my queue and continued to accept and do up to about 93 when I was capped again and again just kept it in my queue.
  14. Returned it an next one worked. Emptied queue the next two I accepted worked
  15. vaibhav

    vaibhav User

    YTA? it the requester name?
  16. YouTube Artist is the requester name.
  17. MrRascal

    MrRascal User

    YouTube Artist is the full name.
  18. vaibhav

    vaibhav User

    thank u guys for the swift help
  19. JoZeR818

    JoZeR818 User

    A tad over 5 minutes.
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