Can't Find Lazy Relaxing HITs This Sunday! 1/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by D1G1TALFOX, Jan 24, 2016.

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  1. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

  2. WCH

    WCH User

    "You people?"


    I had nothing to do with this.
  3. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    You could try something like if you're looking for a team collab sort of deal. I joined a site similar to that years ago and wound up meeting a cool bunch of people. Coders, designers, artists, blah blah. Like 10-15 of us. We met a bunch of times and kicked some game/app ideas around. It was fun. Went nowhere, but was fun.

    But yeah, if you're looking for that sort of thing, WCH is the wrong one to ask, lol. He's pretty pro. I think at this point he's ready to start charging me for all the help he gives me.
  4. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    The main problem he's going to run into is finding people to work for free, a lot of coders are already struggling to find work so devoting time to something that may not pay off just isn't something a lot of people will be willing to do. I hope he finds someone to help him though, even the best ideas can start out small.
  5. dfreed02

    dfreed02 User

    Did anyone earn enough to pay taxes on m Turk for 2015? If you did earn enough are you gonna bother filing ..Amazon does not like to send the proper tax forms to file a 1040a.
  6. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    I would recommend you file your taxes for Mturk, even though the likeliness of them figuring it out is very small you don't want the IRS fucking with you down the road.
  7. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    Yeah, that's exactly why I suggested meetup. It seems really unlikely that you'll get someone to work for free, but you can find groups/teams on there for almost eeeeeeeeeverything. Lots of college students and hobbyists, tech heads, people who code in their sleep.

    9,450 groups with 3,565,209 members

    You never know. Might find something.

    D1G1TALFOX Banned

    Dammn Igor Kurganov was in for 5 buyins $500k and busted :rolleyes:
  9. JAWN

    JAWN User

    I'm gonna have to this year for the first time. Probably should be doing it quarterly anyways. Will be my first time in seven years as all my previous gigs were under the table. But not quite sure where to start. Knowing me, I'll wait til the evening of April 14th.
  10. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I think Flora can see who voted for who. We might be voting some folks off the island.

    He's not even here to celebrate. TOTM don't sleep. If tomorrow sucks batch wise we know why.
  11. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    Gotta claim everything, bud. Even if you didn't earn enough for the year to pay actual income tax on it, you'll still want to file and make sure you pay the SE taxes. You can use TurboTax or TaxAct or something to file and it'll walk you through the process. Pretty easy.

    Amazon not sending forms has nothing to do with it. You just grab the total from your dashboard and get er done.
  12. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Speaking of taxes, if anyone filed in the early batch that was accepted on the 11th, WMR is currently down, probably going to have our transcripts tonight and that means we're processed. Should get our direct deposit dates tomorrow for 1/29. If you deposit onto NetSpend you should have your money Wednesday afternoon since they post deposits two days earlier.
    Momma's getting her a new computey and wide screen gaming monitor and that fancy mouse everyone uses.
  13. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    Dem upgrades.
  14. WCH

    WCH User

    Just to reiterate, we did have 38 people who voted for a guy who openly admits to being an incompetent turker.
  15. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    It's 2005 again.
  16. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    WCH. Clear yo inbox.
  17. WCH

    WCH User

    Ooops. It's cleared. We're good now.
  18. dfreed02

    dfreed02 User

    Will anyone actually get anything back from filing taxes since we did not pay any taxes? I guess you can write off Internet, office space, utilities, and all of those types and possibly get earned income credit.. Hmm I will have to crunch some numbers.
  19. dfreed02

    dfreed02 User

    I think I will do the same..thank you for your input
  20. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Yes if you file jointly and have children.
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