Can't Find Awesome HITs? 2/26 For the Hits on Friday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Feb 26, 2016.

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  1. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    See.. it's not easy. Gots to know your #2.

    But the beauty is you can skip a hit. Its so simple. Double dutch that and let someone else do it. That's all we ask.

    Have you seen an increase in hits... we are posting more and more..
  2. Cindi

    Cindi User

    My mom would kill me.
  3. Hey, I haven't tried to seduce him

    Let's recognize a miracle when we see one
  4. Well I'm going to be before that temptress Sergey posts another batch.
  5. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    It's tough for requesters too. Especially when the hits are not educational - the hits matter... So we get in trouble, and we don't put food on the table if the work is bad. (Yeah man.. we feel the bad work like you don't even know!)

    So how good are you Cindi? I have never given qual to your mturkforum join and usage stats, but will make an exception if you really think you got it.
  6. egb+

    egb+ User

    I feel like I've entered a post-apocalyptic era now that Sergey is gone.
  7. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    It's ok.. I don't know how to respond to that either lol.. I just read it. #2 got real just now. I'm gonna go bust some lyrics by the food truck about how tough my life is...
  8. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    We have some new hits coming out - super easy format / request. Should double the amount of available work.
  9. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

  10. db42

    db42 User

  11. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    I'm just staring at it...
  12. [​IMG]
  13. Cindi

    Cindi User

    I think I am pretty good. I know what I know and how to find what I don't and to not guess. I know I have what you need.
  14. Pontiac

    Pontiac User

    Anyone ready to hear the recent news from my part of Tennessee? I wasn't. A man was found hanging from a tree this morning. He lived literally 5 minutes walking distance from my house. I've always been a puss when it comes to driving at night because of things like that. Had I taken the longer route home last night, I would have seen it myself. Needless to say, I'm not falling asleep tonight.
  15. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    Let's Do It Cindi.
  16. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    That's insane, what is going on with people these days.
  17. Cindi

    Cindi User

    Oh no. I am sorry :(
  18. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Apparently I stumbled into /r/RequestersGoneWild :p
  19. Cindi

    Cindi User

    Ok what do I need to do?
  20. 11223344

    11223344 Requester

    We hope to have some changes in the upcoming months. When you change a category, it will flag the work from the prior worker for our internal review.

    You will always see your internal score as we rate you. And boy do we rate you. So at least you will know when it's lights out. Or when that bonus is due.

    We will continue to not reject hits as our policy - we know that messes you guys up.

    But we will be swift in removing workers. It's the only way to find the best of the best without rejecting hits and messing up the rest. We score you, and then love you, or hate you.

    If there are any suggestions, please email me directly and will add to the hits.

    Gotta run - late. Nice catching up. I do love it here.
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