4/21 Finding Amazing Hits Down The Rabbit Hole

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by D1G1TALFOX, Apr 20, 2016.


How do you pronounce GIF?

  1. Like the peanut butter JIF

    39 vote(s)
  2. Like gift - minus the T

    75 vote(s)
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  1. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    It's like fingernails on the chalkboard. Also, I think she's an alien.
  2. February was such a good month for me personally. Food web AI and Percy. All light writing batches that were up 24/7. I scripted the food webs while following the directions and made so much money on them. No way to script the AI really because each video was different but I still enjoyed them. Food Webs were a gold mine though lol probably the most underrated batch this entire year.
  3. xailos

    xailos User

    I had a guest threaten to sue us today because we had food with gluten on our breakfast and we were "trying to poison her". Get over yourself lady some biscuits in the same room aren't going to kill you. Keep scarfing down that bacon and sausage instead that's way healthier.
  4. Lucky you can take naps. I was never able to do that. I sleep at night (assuming my insomnia isn't bad) then when I wake up, I'm up until the next evening. I'm jealous of people who can take naps.
  5. db42

    db42 User

    Has anyone got banned arguing over the pronunciation of .gif yet?
  6. Just a heads up we are having a Flora Friday tomorrow if anyone gets banned or causes trouble tomorrow I won't be happy.
  7. Pucca

    Pucca User

    Not yet. How do you pronounce it?
  8. xailos

    xailos User


    I can make you nap. Just saying.
  9. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Have we been mispronouncing the peanut butter too?

    Some people can't English good.
  10. Pucca

    Pucca User

    I've done hundreds and never had a rejection but I think somebody did post about a warning. Wasn't it the pizza guy?
  11. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    my "naps" almost always turn into full on sleep time. probably wont be back till around 5 or so
  12. db42

    db42 User

    The correct way. ;)
  13. Sounds kinky. I'm game.
  14. I never understood insomnia. My parents suffer from it and take sleeping pills. If you are tired enough you will sleep right?
  15. Noo
  16. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Sounds rapey.
  17. xailos

    xailos User

    People always say that before they end up chained to the radiator to my basement. Allegedly.
  18. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I wish that were true.
  19. $21 away from 100. Come on Sergey, drop that giant batch on us.
  20. xailos

    xailos User

    Idk how Miranda is thanking anything with the spam handcuffs she's got on.
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