4/25 Finding hits in a Requiem 4 Mozart Monday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by D1G1TALFOX, Apr 24, 2016.


When asked for your worker ID, do you

  1. Type it down from memory

    11 vote(s)
  2. Copy & Paste it

    78 vote(s)
  3. Use a script to do it for you

    27 vote(s)
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  1. Cela

    Cela User

    Jack Cahn, quick 1.20
  2. The tech issues I'm having are bizarre man.

    Suddenly my Xbox One restarts itself literally every minute.

    I spent hours troubleshooting to find out that it's my wi-fi that's causing it.

    As soon as I disconnected from wi-fi, no issues.

    How the fuck does that happen?

    Plugged it in wired and it works fine.
  3. Cela

    Cela User

    hello peel tune into cam girl .
  4. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I was having trouble with my PS4 turning itself off for no apparent reason. It's been working fine since I put the kibosh on the Grey's Anatomy watching.
  5. Cela

    Cela User


    But I was having fun with Vocaroos :(
  6. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    lets get to it crew, updated directions be sure to read.
  7. Hajime

    Hajime User

    Enjoy. I'll be sitting here hoping there are 30,000 more Simpsons gifs out there.
  8. Cela

    Cela User

    lol I don't remember how to do this. I'm like a newborn baby today
  9. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

  10. Is something messing up scraper again? I only have 5 rows listed. Last time this happened some requester dropped a bunch of solo hits that ate up all the room. Anybody else having issues?
  11. everbuddy

    everbuddy User


    You can just uncheck hide blocklisted to take a peek
  12. db42

    db42 User

    Also our good friend RC.org Mechanical Turk
  13. damnit. I thought I blocked them. Is the actual name "RC.org" or "RC.org Mechanical Turk"? I'll add whatever it is manually.

    Edit: nvm. I figured out why. It's not scraping enough pages with all the shit i have blocked.
  14. Hey anybody doing those phone recording HITs, someone next door said the requester is looking for the tags that are uploaded when a particular mobile provider is used, so doing it in any other way may be an issue. I haven't done any of them but if you guys are, that may be an issue to consider.
  15. Except not all phones phones are tagged, not all phones are on and just use wifi, many of the hundred recording programs don't tag at all and just use wav, mpg, ogg and various others. I did 50 and fully expect a bunch of rejects since my phone doesn't tag any of them.
  16. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    That's what correct for skips does, but yeah, I'd rather just stare at a blank scraper than have it scraping 50 pages :p
  17. I have no idea how the tagging of those works but once I read that it sounded serious. I've worked for that requester before and they were good but these just seem iffy.
  18. You can also set it for .31 and higher to get around it. That worked for me.
  19. corsies

    corsies User

    anyone trying to do this and it just says connecting? and then nothing happens? I have done these in the past and it usually says line is busy call again
  20. gman42

    gman42 User

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from Christopher Geczy for work related to 3PZDSVZ3J51DZXX9I8GE5MYT3LPN4X.
    The value of your bonus is: $14.90 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    No comment provided by Requester.
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