#FreeMelania Sunday 3/26/2017

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by sks, Mar 25, 2017.

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  1. sks

    sks User

    He had to go to Austin.
  2. sks

    sks User

    In fact I'm about to put him on while I work on maps. I am so bored.
  3. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    My sister went and saw Trevor Noah in Austin.

    Dave Chappelle might be a little blue for her.
  4. sks

    sks User

    yep. He was so funny though.
  5. tara808

    tara808 User

    I love Dave Chappelle...Trevor Noah, not so much. HI people!
  6. sks

    sks User

    Hi Tara! I know he is so great. If you find the netflix stuff it's really good. I ran out of Dave so I just let them stream other comedians while working and there is no comparison. I've been spoiled now.
  7. parro

    parro User

    You can be trendy or stick-in-the mud, whateve you want. I get my news from the NY Times by email, PBS and NPR. See?

    WHY CAN"T I DO A THREAD? I've done only 2.:(
  8. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Good luck with PBS and NPR because it looks like those days may be over if this administration has anything to do with it.

    EDIT: We need that money for the wife to stay in NY and for the pres to golf every weekend.
  9. sks

    sks User

    Actually what you are really saying is that you want people to know that you consider yourself an intellectual and so you cite these sources again assuming I don't read these things. Well I do plus what I see when I log into my email. They are not mutually exclusive. SEE? Quit trolling and being so fing condescending.
  10. tara808

    tara808 User

    I read ALL the news...not just the ones that share my worldview. :D
  11. parro

    parro User

    Bite your tongue, er, your keyboard. They'll have to raise more through endowments, estates and from the viewers. They've done it before during Repub admins. Without PBS and NPR, I can just toss out my TV and radios. anyway, the bill hasn't passed yet. I think
  12. tara808

    tara808 User

    I have Netflix; I should watch more of his shows. I never seem to have time.
  13. sks

    sks User

    exactly. And you don't brag on your sources.
  14. tara808

    tara808 User

    LOL hell no. I won't discuss things like that or politics online. It just ends up a shitfest and ruins my day.
  15. parro

    parro User

    I was just being factual. You're just in a defensive mood today.
  16. sks

    sks User

    I need to know if someone else is making the thread because it's almost time to post now.
  17. sks

    sks User

    You really should. Check out the two new ones.
  18. sks

    sks User

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