Finding Great HITs 07/13 Fishy Froggy Flatout Friday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Jul 13, 2018.

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  1. :hammer:

    Don't really like these :sick:
  2. Nope - tried doing 1 and I was too lazy.
  3. sek351

    sek351 User

    These suck
    WhatIsPanda likes this.
  4. COTurker

    COTurker User

    Anyone working on these?
    When you have to create an account but their dummy info is already in the system so you can't do you just mark no that you can't find the info?
  5. I usually just cherry pick the ones with card logos on the homepage. I'm not sure if you can only do 500 on this batch or 500 total. I've done these in the past. Probably just going to do around 100 and call it a day as it'll put me over 100 for the day. :clap::clap:
    WhatIsPanda likes this.
  6. COTurker

    COTurker User

    WhatIsPanda likes this.
  7. :eyes:
  8. Markb

    Markb User

    "Creating a fake checkout process may require entry of a made-up email address and personal info, for example- Name: John Doe, Email:, Address: 34 Lake Street, Chicago, IL 60615"

    That? Looks like that's just an example, you should be able to use anything you want.
  9. COTurker

    COTurker User

    Sometimes when I put that in it says that there is already an account with that info
  10. COTurker

    COTurker User

    You and your 100 days :)
    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  11. Markb

    Markb User

    Just make up the info with anything you want to use.
  12. Like Mark said you can use any info you want to get thru check out. Old batches of hers were better these are few and far between on the credit card logos on the home page.
    COTurker likes this.
  13. This was easy and fun!

    Title: Consumer study(~ 4 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Hal Hershfield [A3N9P4VPHUDPX1] (Req TV): $11.98/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 3.35] [Fair: 4.69] [Comm: 4.16] [Fast: 4.53]
    ~4 minute survey: You will be engaging in a task and answering one question using an external survey link. The question will concern your opinions and choices.
    Time: 1 hour(s) 15 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 37
    Reward: $0.40
    Qualifications: Exc: [284708310-97384] DoesNotExist ; SurveyGroup [994] DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location In US;
    WhatIsPanda and COTurker like this.

  14. LOL Ummm wtf.. that was the easiest survey ever. What data could they have possibly gotten? How long it takes people to process being in a new year before they're ready to click the "next arrow" hahaha - loved it though.
  15. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    I never even noticed that you had to have an Android phone. OY, what a dummy I am!!
  16. I got Teriyaki chicken again

  17. Beale all went to AA just like I thought. $$$$
  18. schlep

    schlep User

    Still out there. 15 minutes. Easy

    Title: Tag cropped faces | Accept
    Requester: Ana Jofre [A2H3CCIB3AKL9F] Contact
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 2.25
    Duration: 3600
    Available: 1
    Description: You will be shown an image of a magazine page. There is a red rectangle around a single face on each page. You must answer questions about the face within the red rectangle. Each task consists of 25 faces that you will answer questions about.
    Qualifications: Masters Exists
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