Finding Great HITs 04/16 Tedious Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Apr 16, 2019.

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  1. tscreener

    tscreener User

    grrrrr....In the middle of the game I get a 'you joined to late error message' :mad:
  2. Title: Make predictions about political events $16. (~ 120 minutes) | Accept
    Requester: SurveyComet [A3NC2P2SPK9QQ] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$18.43] [Pay=Good] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Excellent] [Rej=1] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=4.17] [Fast=4.70] [Comm=4.17] [Fair=4.79] [Reviews=532] [ToS=1]
    TO2: [Hrly=12.41] [Pen=1.94] [Res=0.50] [Rec=80] [Rej=4] [ToS=0] [Brk=0]
    Reward: 16.00
    Duration: 4:00:00
    Available: 8
    Description: This is an invitation to complete a two hour political forecasting HIT to make predictions about political events.
    Qualifications: Exc: [141619-141030] DoesNotExist ; SurveyGroup [2214] DoesNotExist ; Inc: [19-141030] Exists
  3. alijit12

    alijit12 User

    purple :( feels bad ... remember how fun it was last time.
    Mind Dagger and myopia like this.
  4. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Purple for me too but I do qualify for them. There are different quals for it. You may qualify for the others on different days. Mine comes in Wednesdays or Thursdays.
    Mind Dagger likes this.
  5. alijit12

    alijit12 User

    don`t remember doing any qual hits from him. so i don`t think i can do any :(
  6. Made chocolate milk last night with my cocoa powder and decided I wanted hot chocolate instead. Poured it all into my water kettle and it burned the cocoa to the burner. :headslap::headslap:

    Got the kettle sitting in vinegar now hopefully it removes most of the burned cocoa.
  7. If the vinegar doesn't work the phosphoric acid in coca-cola or whatever cola drink will if you let it soak overnight.
    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  8. myopia

    myopia User

    Since he does them at 11 am central every single time, there is no possibility of my ever doing it. I'm resigned to receiving his emails forever.
  9. So just pour a can of coke in it and let it sit? I assume don't boil it lol
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    8 min if you catch it.
    Title: Psychology rating study(~ 12 minutes) | Accept
    Requester: PsychLabAtBC [A10M90Y8PUKQ1E] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$12.53] [Pay=Good] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=3.21] [Fast=4.68] [Comm=3.50] [Fair=4.72] [Reviews=206] [ToS=2]
    TO2: [Hrly=6.35] [Pen=0.68] [Res=null] [Rec=33] [Rej=0] [ToS=0] [Brk=0]
    Reward: 1.50
    Duration: 1:10:00
    Available: 3
    Description: This study involves reading about children's behaviors and rating them
    Qualifications: Exc: [141685-141096] DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; SurveyGroup [2221] DoesNotExist ; Location In US
  11. Yup. Although it might be the carbonic acid that does the heavy lifting I don't remember but yeah cola makes a pretty good cleaner in situations where the stickiness can be easily washed away.
    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  12. This is week three so it might be too late to join but I'm fairly certain everyone who did them last time got an automatic qualification to do them this time around. There was a qual HIT up for this batch the week before it started but those of us already qualified didn't have to do it (nor were we allowed to do it). You can always e-mail them and see if you can join late. It's gonna be a 35 week study and my guess is not everyone is gonna make it to the end.
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member


    Good luck. Hope the burnt part is removed completely.

    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  14. alijit12

    alijit12 User

    hmm maybe this was the qual and they revoked it

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    One of your Qualifications has been revoked by the Requester who maintains the Qualification. Please see details about the Qualification below.

    Qualification Revoked: 14db4b2c
    Requester: SurveyComet
    Grant Date: December 12, 2017
    Revoke Date: April 7, 2019
    Revoke Reason: System update

    For more information about Qualifications, please see the FAQ:
  15. Just checked. Most of it came right off. Looks like it worked! :whew::whew:
    Flora likes this.
  16. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  17. myopia

    myopia User

    Hate catching two decent surveys at once with relatively short timers.

    Especially if the one I didn't choose is one of those pain-in-the-ass surveys that disqualifies you from trying again simply by accepting it. Not opening the survey link, not even opening the HIT page, just having PC accept it. Sigh.
  18. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  19. Did you get a code at the end or was this one of those sneaky 'heres a code at the end of the debriefing memo that you'll surely overlook and hit next' kind of hits.
    Flora likes this.
  20. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Nope, I was wondering about that too but I'm pretty sure there was no code at all.
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