You Blew It!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shego, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Shego

    Shego User

    Let me preface this by warning you that I'm irritated.

    I contacted a requester to ask if he could (instead of asking us to return hits when info could not be found) reduce the pay, but add an equal bonus if the info was found. By using this method of pay/reward, we could still be compensated for spending the time trying to find these email addresses, even if we weren't successful. If we did succeed, we would get a little extra. It would have been a win-win, except for this:

    "Hi Stephanie:

    I am having a lot of people that are entering "no person found" just to get free money. I am sorry, the bonus thing is not going to work."

    Thanks Guys! Way to go!

    I responded and told him to select workers who took the time to do the hits with honesty and integrity, list their worker IDs in the title or body of the instructions for the hit and warn that any whose IDs did not match the ones listed would be rejected. And I will continue to advise requesters this way every time I go to bat for us, succeed in negotiating a better term and shady workers ruin it for me and everyone else who actually cares about their reputation with the requesters.
    You know why we don't get paid better? Because most of us don't submit quality work deserving of better pay.

    Before long the only people who are going to be allowed to submit hits are those of us who consistently turn in quality work. Are you one of US? Or one of the ass hats who doesn't give a damn and ruins it for US? I'm going to do everything I can to help the requesters weed out the chumps so I can make a nice living at my leisure since I will no longer have to worry about how fast the hits go--only a select few of us will be working on them! And for better wages-mark my words.
  2. turkimaniac

    turkimaniac Banned

    It does suck that there are so many people spamming answers. Given time, they get weeded out I'm sure, but there are always new people coming in to replace them.

    However, his response shows more ignorance from the requester, rather than the bad workers being at fault. If he reduced the pay, the people entering it to "get free money" would get less free money, and the good workers would get better pay, and it would encourage the bad workers to try harder, like you said. I think he is missing that concept, because his response shows disgust of the bad workers, but doesn't seem to show that he grasps the idea of the bonus system you suggested.

    Kind of related...I am starting to get the feeling that 75% of the time anyone comes to this forum complaining of poor scores on individual tasks, or getting mass rejected, etc, are all these bad workers. Everyone jumps to feel sorry for them and fear the requester, but after seeing some of the complaints, I am starting to think most of these people complaining are probably doing horrid work in the first place, and don't deserve any condolences from the forum.

    It seems like everyone is ready to automatically assume that the requester is immediately bad or to blame, if one TO review mentions getting rejected, or someone comes here to complain about a requester.
  3. reebs

    reebs User

    Unfortunately, the people who work hard don't need to read this because they already DO turn in honest work/their best effort/etc.

    The people that don't? Don't really give a crap what you have to say. They aren't going to stop until their accounts get banned.

    I haven't been here long but I do agree that a lot of the complaining about rejections is the fault of the worker (my 1 lone rejection was totally my bad).
  4. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Most of mine have been too. Only exceptions were a few from a requester who started rejecting everybody in the end. Sad, because he paid well, and the vast majority of my hits from him were approved. As I think is the case for most people who worked on his hits.
  5. I think there are a group of people who really don't see this as work. Instead, it's supposed to be easy money and that comes from all of the "How do I make a lot of money?" threads and the "Hey, I didn't get paid the minute I clicked submit! This is a bad requester! Stay away!" TO reviews. That and the, "I can't do that survey because it says I have to be employed" comments.

    This is a job and we're self-employed. It's a contractual relationship between us and the requester, with Amazon making the introduction and moderating a large part of the relationship (payment, record keeping, etc.).

    Eventually the lazy folks, who will spend most of their day refreshing their screens hoping Homezoo will pop up and they'll be paid to identify a room will realize this isn't a quick path to opulence and wealth, that it takes time and effort, and it's not easy.
  6. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Um yeah, not everyone is a bad worker when the friggen requestor changes their name and doesn't happen to mention it. That shouldn't even be allowed imho. Not everyone that complains about rejections is out for a quick buck yo.

    Even though I'm fairly new around here, I've written many requestors asking for additional info on how to do their HITS and never heard a single word back. Looks like some of them just don't give a crap. I think some of them are lazy too, just think hey..whatever. You don't do it right you'll get rejected.

    That being said, it can only be a good thing to help educate both sides of the fence in a way that rewards good work.
  7. turkimaniac

    turkimaniac Banned

    I completely agree. I have 33 rejections out of 45k...20 of them were my fault that I got on delf's because I do 25 tabs on his and rush through, so no one to blame there but myself. The other 13, 3 are my fault from various mistakes, and the other 10 are just bad requesters....all 10 were from two requesters, where both told me it was a mistake on their end, yet they refused to reverse it.

    I completely understand and know that there are bad requesters in the same sense that there are bad workers. I'm not saying that every case is because of the worker, but I do feel that a large portion of them are "most likely" because of the worker. For instance, a couple weeks ago I saw a newer person come in here saying they couldn't understand whatever it was they were doing wrong and why they couldn't make as much money as some. A couple days later they posted about getting like 180 rejections from a requester. Everyone jumped on board and talked about how sorry they were for them, and how they weren't going to be doing any work for that requester again. Then, a few days later the same person is back talking about getting a hard block from one, and a soft block from another for poor results. Then yet again, a few days later I see them talking about getting another mass rejection.

    I just think that people should think before assuming the requester is immediately to blame. Like someone above said, there are too many people that think it's a get rich quick scheme, and just click to get whatever they can from whatever is available. All that does is make things harder on everyone else.

    I'm sure of it that there have probably been requesters come here with good pay, and get scared away by the amount of bad results they get, never to be back with their work again. It's kind of a moot point though, because nothing will change, and for every person working on here that does terrible that gets banned, there will be two more to replace him a day later.
  8. Marcus

    Marcus User

    I dont understand what this has to do with anything mentioned in this thread? Besides, the requester ID never changes and they can be tracked on TO by their ID number, not their name.

    One of the first jobs I had right out of college was in higher education. That was a real learning experience. Way too many people can barely read and write at a high school level, so it doesnt surprise me when turkers cant follow or wont follow simple instructions. :rolleyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2013
  9. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    They can also be tracked by their name. That's usually the way I do it when I want to search.
  10. TAC

    TAC User

    Perfect example of consistent inferior work: Redwood transcriptions. You haven't lived until viewing some of these mangled works of art. Just on those alone, I would bet many requesters reject for the simple fact some people can't read/write/understand English and they try to BS their way through HITs.

    Add in angry seemingly unjustified comments on the TO from a selected bunch and it's pretty easy to understand part of the requester's frustrations.
  11. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Maybe you should read all of the comments in the thread before making a useless comment like this and demonstrating your own ignorance.
  12. Marcus

    Marcus User

    Whatever, who the hell pissed on your stew today? You newb... it doesnt take a genius to do some quick problem solving and find out if a requester has changed their name, but i guess youre too lazy or not sharp enough to figure this out on your own.
  13. turkimaniac

    turkimaniac Banned

    I don't understand what this has to do with anything mentioned in this thread.
  14. Marcus

    Marcus User

    The basic point is that turkers are always blaming requesters for EVERYTHING and complaining, instead of taking some initiative and responsibility. I was just taking whatever that bitter person said and trying to show them that they dont have to be helpless and they dont have to always find a way to blame the requester.
  15. Neona

    Neona User

    The lazy workers ruin it for the rest of us. I usually contact requesters privately to suggest some kind of qualification test to be sure the workers they are using are good workers - or to add a question that they already know the answer to in every ten or so hits and if the person misses that question - it means you need to review other hits they might have done for you and if you see five hits were totally bs - mass reject every hit that worker submitted.

    I wish the Master's Qual actually had something to do with our skill level like 5000 hits and 98 and above approval rating. I think that would help a lot.

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