8/15 Short Surveys

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Crayonshaver, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. 6 min 50 cents

    Psychological Survey about self-thoughts (forgot to get link)
  2. sorry - 15 cents
  3. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    I love you <3
  4. lilkoko - you crack me up. I feel quite fondly towards you as well...
  5. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    Thanks crayonshaver.
  6. Dena Gromet - 50 cents for 3 minutes. I forgot to get the link, but this is a good one!!
  7. Trantice

    Trantice User

  8. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    You guys are awesome, I don't know how you find these so quickly but I'm glad you do. Many thanks!

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