Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Athena, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Athena

    Athena User

  2. Ha. I read through all of that trying to decide if I wanted to give it a shot only to realize I'm like 1000 approved HITs short of qualifying. Facepalm.
  3. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    They look like the old relevance hits to me.
  4. I did one unrelated bit of work for them a month ago.

    Grabbed 10 of these, still waiting for approval but I don't expect any problems. Easy 8c.
  5. Athena

    Athena User

    I know.

    I have a bad case of PDRS (post dolores relevance syndrome.)

  6. Athena

    Athena User

    "We're sorry. The search was looking for information on car batteries. You selected "car batteries" as "very relevant". The correct answer is "Pink Elephants."
  7. 646count

    646count User

    ouch, soooo many instructions....I forget the first few before I get through them all
  8. Athena

    Athena User

    The thing about "batch HITs" is, you only have to spend the first several HITs memorizing the instructions.
    The bad thing about batch HITs is, once you've memorized the instructions and are pumping them out in mass, if the requester turns sours and starts unfairly rejecting, it can ruin your approval rate.

    These particular batch HITs make me twitchy because there's a little bit of ambiguity between the different grades possible. And if they use majority rules for QC/rejection (or, if the requester doesn't see ambiguity), you WILL get burned. So, I'm only doing a few for now. All turkopticon ratings for this requester are good so far, but there are only 2 reviews. Not enough for me to do a bunch of these yet.
  9. I have done these in the past and got all approved, but I haven't posted a TO rating, I've knocked out a few hundred of these today.
  10. Athena

    Athena User

    Do some of the differences between a 2 and a 3 or a 3 and a 4 (etc) seem a little ambiguous to you?
  11. They do, sorry for the long response. But usually if you use your best judgement you're fine with them.
  12. Another 1200 just posted. Much more detailed instructions. Probably repeats of earlier ones.

    Still waiting for earlier approval. Based on new instructions I missed a few, but most were OK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
  13. twillight

    twillight User

    I can't wait until I can do this Hits...I just have 1500 more Hits I need to complete to meet the qualification!
  14. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    They're gone now. The batch previous to yesterdays were Cat Master's only, and prior to that they had different quals too. So you never know what they're going to do next -- I think they're still testing the mTurk waters and changing quals with every batch to see what gets the best results.
  15. arumugam

    arumugam New Member hits work no pleace sir comming

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