Can't find GREAT HITs? 5/12 birthday edition

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by smerfy01, May 11, 2013.

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  1. Revoke Reason: Requester did not give a reason

    makes it sound like "in other words because i can so nyahhhh."
  2. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    That looks like a qual you were given in order to take a survey. Sometimes requesters will pull the quals after you complete the survey so that if they repost it, they don't get the same people retaking it.
  3. just noticed your signature. funny never heard that one.
  4. Cristo

    Cristo User

    Best bonus so far.

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from Survey researcher for work related to 21062NJQ21727KD5PV2KSCVERK1WO2.
    The value of your bonus is: $1.30 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    You recently participated in our Decision-Making Game. The directions to the game explained that you would earn a bonus whose size depended on how you and four randomly selected teammates played the game. As promised, here is that bonus. Thank you for your patience while we processed it. Sincerely yours, Northwestern University Researchers.

    Thanks for being a Worker on Mechanical Turk!
  5. I heard you guys might like pets? Here's my keyboard stomper, pooped after a late night of turking. I think I'm going to follow her lead and hit the hay. Or, you know, maybe just one more HIT...

  6. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    lolol Rochelle, thank you for that. I'm rolling here :laugh:
  7. bongobob

    bongobob User

    Your team was a lot nicer than mine. I only got $0.30 heh.
  8. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    Nice job. I look at my 3$ in bonuses and I honestly don't remember where any of it came from.
  9. kokomo

    kokomo User

    I'm debating between sleep and a few more UVM's. It would be a much easier decision if I still wasn't thinking about rejections. (I am the one who always puts strongly disagree when it comes to taking risks lol)

    Cute cat, what I can see of her :)
  10. reebs

    reebs User

  11. mooneyes

    mooneyes User

    I tried some new things today.. Casting words and hubpages. I'm hoping Casting words will come out ok, but Hubpages <sigh> I tried so hard on their qualifying tests, and looks like I failed. Makes me feel dumb. I wish they'd let you do a few and then tell you what you did wrong and then let you do some more. Instead of you are doing ok, oh now you suck just go to bed.

    They give me a conciliatory 25cent bonus. Sorry we don't like you. This makes me want to read some of those Nigeran scam emails that are always so friendly and nice to make me feel better. Greetings, we hope you are well.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2013
  12. [​IMG]

    And with that, I am now going to bed. FOR REAL!
  13. Darkfriend

    Darkfriend User

    Need to find some more hits or Pizza is going to send out for YOU!

    But, I've been combing the desert, and "We ain't found shit."
  14. I've decided to call it on the UVM's, since I've hit my limit for potential rejections.

    Also, here's the rest of her... She's a bit of a pudgeball, but cute as can be!
  15. lotkrotan

    lotkrotan A Space Man

    There are plenty of HITs out there...

    Y U NO UMV?
  16. nickjhn

    nickjhn User

    I'm out too. I'm going to try to get up early for some of that money monday money

  17. kokomo

    kokomo User

    I agree, she's very cute! I've never had a cat before, just dogs.

    I haven't hit my limit yet, going to do a few more then call it a night too. I haven't stayed up this late to Turk since I first started several years ago.
  18. Darkfriend

    Darkfriend User

    I'm scared. I did 6-8 of em and don't want to risk more.
  19. Spaceballs reference? Spaceballs reference!
  20. What kinds of dogs? I have two border collies and they're great :)
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