Can't Find Good HITs? 9/9

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 9, 2012.

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  1. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Good morning all!

    WOW! What a night for ya'll! :cool:

    So many made goal yesterday! Woo Hoo! And CONGRATS!

    Today's goal (arbitrary) is again: $25.oo. :D

    Shame I'm not at 5000 Approvals yet or I would keep tearing up those tweet HITs. But oh well. Another day another great set of opportunities!

    Please make sure supplied HITs are at least $0.10 per minute as none of us are slave labor if we can help it! The exception, of course, being really good batch HITs to get the numbers up.

    Also, please try to list the requester name if you can - a lot of problems arise with just a link on occasion... But we all know how hectic it can be to be in the midst of trying to accomplish great finds and advertise them here as well. Just do your best! :cool:

    Let's "Go Make That Money!"

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  2. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  3. dextux

    dextux User

  4. baskln

    baskln User

  5. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Getting the Quals... Making The Money!

    I have all the qualifications to take the one that requires over 1000 Approvals. Not the one that requires over 5000 approvals. Only been Turking about 3 weeks.

    But they are awesome HITs... Wish I had done more last night but I can't pull all nighters like 2muchTurkin and some others. They are the CHAMPIONS! LOL :D

    I'm gonna get a few hours in on 'em and put off all the other stuff I'm supposed to do today! I'll get to 5k hopefully this week! But really there are even HITs that require 15k and 20k that I've seen.

    Just keep on Turking! I have gone from making $2-$3 a day in hours of work to making $20-$50 a day in much less time and with much more enjoyable work. And it is due in a large part to the wonderful group assembled here! Don't take it for granted... (not that you are!) The only way this can sustain itself is if EVERYONE freely shares HITs and advice as often as possible! :D

    Together we can "Rock This Sh!T!" Give great work product, commit yourself to the program and the tiered levels it emphasizes and you can not fail! Many people in here are honest proof!

    Now "Go Make That Money!" And any one can feel free to PM most members in this thread anytime and get a speedy and helpful answer or for those that have AIM links or email links, that will work too! As a group we can all do better individually and more importantly as a whole!

  6. chaos

    chaos User

  7. dextux

    dextux User

  8. chaos

    chaos User

    Yeah there were 400+ when I posted it, was hoping some of you would see it in here before they were gone.
  9. RWStein

    RWStein User


    Have you done all the CrowdSource ones you can do? They have some very good $0.16 and $0.12 HITs you can do to start out and get your numbers up. Can only do so many but it is good money and they are an excellent requester! :cool:
  10. RWStein

    RWStein User


    Sorry... Can't resist! Here's some pretty funny TWEETs from my group on these HITs! (I'll just EDIT this one post with new ones instead of adding more posts! :D

    @Retwittings: Success it's like a fart only bothers people when its not their own.

    I'm farting all around my grandma tho shit is getting too real

    @LaughOrFact: You hate drama? Cool stop starting it
    He's loyal. He loves me. He listens to me... Too bad he's a dog!
    I think I have a serious drinking problem. I don't drink enough.
    The endorphins released in the body during a run are similar to those released during sex.
    @sixthformpoet: If women really want to be treated as equals they need to stop being so much smarter than men.
    @ComicalSayings: If you don't want a sarcastic answer then don't ask a stupid question.
    @TheFactsBook: Having sex burns 144 plus calories per 30 minutes while making out burns 238 calories per half hour.
    @ComedyTruth: Have you ever just sat there and realized how weird you are?
    @amattn: NBC has a 6 hour delay for events 3000 miles away. NASA has a 15 minute delay for an event 150 000 000 miles away.
    @OmgComedy: Who came up with the middle finger? I mean the first person to receive it must of been like 'What the fcuk are you doing?
    @GirlProbIems: I enjoy long walks to the fridge and I'm in a relationship with my bed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  11. Carol

    Carol Member

    Only managed about four of the Sander Stricker HITs before they were all swallowed up. Well, they were very easy HITs, so that was to be expected.
  12. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Been working on ProductRnR hits trying to pile up the numbers and its really not fast at all. SO many of them look identical. The pics on either side are exactly the same just different order. well instead of risking rejections to the majority thing on a coin flip I have just been skipping those and hitting ont he obvious ones. not a whole lot of those honestly lol.
  13. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Good call! (meaning use caution!) Great numbers with them as long as you skip the ones where others may disagree or that are a toss up! I've not had a rejection from them! Just be careful and history tells me you should be fine.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  14. chevymama2

    chevymama2 User

    Hi, I have a quick question about CS.When they come up on Turk Alert thru out the day, can you work on the new batches or does your daily total count for all new batchs.Sometimes I can do 2 hits and other days I have done as many as 10 before they say I cant do any more.I just stop after that and never try anymore for the day.Was just wondering Thanks
  15. RWStein

    RWStein User

    CS uploads batches throughout the day... Once you have hit your limit on a particular part of a type of HIT you won't be able to do more. TA only tells you that they uploaded HITs. It doesn't differentiate whether you will be able to do them... Some days I can do several HITs on the Keyword search project other days I can do only one or two or none... I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago.

    ***TIP*** you are better off leaving CS off your TA email alert list because they will tear up your 20 alerts a day limit with stuff you can't do... :(

    Best bet is to try them when they come up. I know it's a lot of clicking but when you are trying to get your numbers up and the good stuff is hard to find - this is better than nothing!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2012
  16. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    You may want to re-think that. A simple forum search or google search for all that goes will show you that productRNR are bad news.
  17. RWStein

    RWStein User


    I'm just giving my experience... Those reviews and advice have allowed me to do a bunch of their stuff without an issue. I just return hits that are ambiguous and make sure I do the work... so far so good! But I would not do more than my rejection rate could handle without risking my account.
  18. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Ya ive heard. I am under 100 and need 1000 to do anything worth a dang. havent seen anything else in large supply and can pound them out quickly.
  19. chevymama2

    chevymama2 User

    Thanks.I am headed over to Turk Alert,great tip.
  20. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Your choice. But remember once peeps are suspended it is for life if the suspension is warranted. Good luck.
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