Can't Find Great Hits? Sunday 7/07: At least its almost Monday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by bryanmd88, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. Ephemeros

    Ephemeros User

    Sorry, me too.
  2. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Well F*CK. Lost an entire tomato plant b/c my dowel cracked and even though I re-staked it and tied it up, w/in an hour it had folded over on itself and split. RIGHT. AT. THE. BASE. I'm suppose to go to the beach w/ some friends tomorrow into tuesday so no money monday for me. May as well crack open the vodka and make tonight simi-decent.


    Good night folks, try to be nice to one another. Remember we we all new to turking (and this forum) once.

  3. Awww! Sorry about the plant! Have fun at the beach :)
  4. I hope it is money monday tomorrow cause I have not fed the bear cubs in three days and they are crying to their mom but mom has been dead for a while cause someone hunted her down IN FRONT OF MY EYES. I survived by running off like a coward.

    That is why the other bears in the forest call me TurkingBear.
  5. Not for full time students :( Must be 18, US citizen and eligible to vote. Says 45 minutes, but 1 perfect TO so I can't see that it would take that long..

    Title: Political Study
    Requester: Anand Sokhey [AGDZX9Q1BSY2D] (TO)
    Description: Participate in a mock election and answer related survey questions.
    Reward: $1.50
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [SIZE=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/SIZE]​

  6. I thought it was because you are a bear. Who turks.

    Also WTF. The Logical Services people changed their name AGAIN. They are now Tally Services.
  7. Ephemeros

    Ephemeros User

    That is heartbreaking. ಥ_ಥ
  8. OH that too! I forgot the part where I started turking to feed the cubs full time. But they say that name with SPITE!!!

    "That TurkingBear thinks he is making money online! HAHAA!!" "**** you TurkingBear"
    "TurkingBear should DIE"

    Damn.... they hate me.
  9. just got back from a con. How was this whole weekend?

  10. But we love you, TurkingBear!

  11. Szara

    Szara User

    Night everyone, can't wait for Money Monday $$$ :)
  12. This is back up...can't remember exact time but I want to say it was around 6-8 minutes.

    Title: product trading survey, only age 21-50, must have a webcam, ($0.70 + a chance to win $6 bonus) need NEW participants
    Requester: dan [A3XCKXIPUEM60] (TO)
    Description: 12-15 min ($0.70 + a chance to win $6 bonus), age 21-50, must have a webcam . if you have done this, please DO NOT participate.
    Reward: $0.70
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  13. zingy

    zingy Guest

    was that the mahvel one?
  14. vex

    vex User

    he was at bronycon

    or kayocon
  15. JennaC

    JennaC User

    I am trying to push out another $10 in an hour and a half... Not sure if I can do this .. but that would be AWESOME ! ... I have had a very good day !
  16. Ephemeros

    Ephemeros User

  17. anime expo. Some top players were there. I met llnd, miniboss and a few others. I played a few times, showed that I can still body people with fraud day-1 stuff. You can get by with marvel with so much as long as you view the game in an analytical way.

    I also scrubbed out a mitsu player. He knew all the combos and pressure setups but he still lost a few games to scrub-yu. Faster overhead thats safe? Slide? DP that is super cancelable? Shit is so broke

    But how was the weekend? was it terribly slow?
  18. JennaC

    JennaC User

    So whats everyone working on ?
  19. bcelik79

    bcelik79 User

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