Can't Find Great Hits? Sunday 7/07: At least its almost Monday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by bryanmd88, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. k614

    k614 User

    It used to but eventually I learned to work it into my life. I wash my hands 20 times a day, but I just do it in between doing other things. If I need to go down to the car to get something and don't want to touch door handle, I just use the side door to go outside, etc. If I have to do something like touch a door handle, I do it and eventually get over it, but if I can do without it, I will. I just work the things into my life instead of avoiding doing things all together. Thoughts, I get that a lot with worrying thoughts. Thoughts are definitely harder to deal with than behavioral things where you can modify. I agree.
  2. JennaC

    JennaC User

    Out of how many hits submitted? Whats your percentage ?
  3. Agreed. With proper control though and self-talk, staying educated, eating good, exercising, CBT among others I'll be able to overcome it. You shall too!

    Giggly Monday is up!
  4. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    35040 submitted.
  5. JennaC

    JennaC User

    Nice ... im already way pat that for abandoned
  6. jekjek

    jekjek Banned

    EDIT : nvm I just refreshed my amazon page and it auto submitted as well
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