Can't Find Good HITs? 9/26

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 26, 2012.


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  1. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I hate these things so much, and even more now that they've made them so hard to read. You'd think after 45,000+ approvals they wouldn't make me do them anymore. At the VERY LEAST they should have the option for requesters to turn off the capitcha for selected workers they trust.
  2. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Anyone bold enough to do this? No TO.

    Transcribe Audio
    Requester: Michael S Botkin
    HIT Expiration Date: Sep 27, 2012 (7 hours 15 minutes)
    Time Allotted: 13 hours
    Reward: $30.00
    HITs Available: 1
  3. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Transcription requires me to shut off my music, so I only do it as a last resort. Well, not quite LAST resort.
  4. Faiythe

    Faiythe User

    Guess it's time for bed since its all gone so quiet :) nite yall!
  5. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Night fellow turkers :)
  6. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    What is this? It's barely lunch time! :) I'm only at $37 today!

    Night night :)
  7. leelu

    leelu User

    Okay I need some Happy Fish advice, how often when you mail/submit, does it work out?
  8. BigginZ

    BigginZ User

    I'm at $23 and every bodies numbers are always double than what I got. What am I doing wrong? lol
  9. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Probably close to 75% of the time. Even when I get rejected on the first one, I usually am able to do the HIT again when it's fixed.
  10. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    All it takes is a big HIT or two. Half of my $37 is from two hits.
  11. Gail

    Gail Member

    I accepted this and then returned it. The first audio was over 45 minutes, and there were 7 audio links. I didn't even bother looking at the rest. That's beyond ridiculous!
  12. leelu

    leelu User

    Don't feel bad, I did almost $18 today... and that is a pretty good day for me.
  13. granit

    granit User

    Just did the 'mark head nodes' HIT. Another one that makes you go "huh??".
    Anyway, i'm off to bed.

    good luck to all off you in the night shift!
  14. 8 dollar survey if you haven't done it yet - Stanford Phonetics Lab -
    Give us the first word you can think of!

  15. behavioral lab has a 2 part study
  16. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    First part took 5 minutes for .50. Part two supposedly 1.50.
  17. They're probably good for it. Never have any problems with them.
  18. It seems the day was a lot more active than the night. I did $33.58 so far today so I'm really happy with that, but I was hoping for a couple more hours of good HITs. I'm not finding much on my own right now, maybe a little later it'll pick up again.
  19. I never find many good hits at night.
  20. Woo! I was trying to get to $35 before the end of the night and made it to $34.99 with about 10 minutes left. I found a $.25 survey that said 10-15 minutes and got it submitted with less than 15 seconds left, pushing me to $35.24 for the day. Definitely one of my better days I've had.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2012
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