Can't Find Amazing HITs? - 9/25 WERK-it Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 25, 2013.

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  1. manzician

    manzician User

    Title: Are these keypoints visible?
    Requester: Bharath Hariharan [A19KZ70ZQTLP59] (TO)
    Description: Please look at each keypoint on this person and say if it is visible or has been occluded.
    Reward: $0.02
    Link: undefined
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    Poor man's Bird HIT... Fairly easy.
  2. yancy

    yancy User

    This one was pretty good, under 5 minutes of tab space.

    Title: Provide judgments about an argumentative situation
    Requester: CrowdFlower [A2IR7ETVOIULZU] (TO)
    Description: You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire thats asks for your judgment about various situations. Once the questionnaire is completed, you must indicate your Amazon Worker ID on this page as well as a code that will be given to you at the end of the questionnaire.
    Reward: $0.60
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 96, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    Assuming you don't get Crowdflower'd.
  3. kleaps23

    kleaps23 User

    The majority of the TO is because the links in the older surveys were bad. It worked out well for me, so I'll just cross my fingers.
  4. kleaps23

    kleaps23 User

  5. Stephica

    Stephica User

    I did 80 or so of his hits a month ago, took weeks but they all approved.
  6. TurkinNS

    TurkinNS User

    Patiently waiting for Collins.

  7. pas_ass

    pas_ass User

    anyone doing the jenniferk transcription hits?
  8. shaynedude

    shaynedude Active Member

    How long do those normally take?
  9. pas_ass

    pas_ass User

    no clue. a 30 min transcription usually takes an hour or two for regular people.
  10. keydz

    keydz Member

    Slow night?
  11. TurkinNS

    TurkinNS User

    Last two comments, complaining about the paid. 15 clicks for .02 vs. 10 clicks for .04 (Birds). I could use one more round of the birds.
  12. manzician

    manzician User

    Title: Go to website and collect names and email addresses (takes 10 seconds) we pay fast. Data collection.
    Requester: Aryeh Carni [A3J8QDAQO1DW2D] (TO)
    Description: Go to website and collect names and EMAIL ADDRESSES (takes 10 seconds). This is public info but you are not to contact these people
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  13. manzician

    manzician User

    I am averaging 25-30 seconds per HIT. Not that bad.
  14. v22vick

    v22vick Member

    Title: Search a Magic: the Gathering Trading Card Game database for information
    Requester: Social Photo [A1K2PEN2XVVQES] (TO)
    Description: Help collect data on differences between iterations of cards
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    easy, takes less than 30 seconds each, masters
  15. TurkinNS

    TurkinNS User

    That not bad at all. I was averaging 40-45 sec. per HIT on the bird (loading slow).
  16. TurkinNS

    TurkinNS User

  17. manzician

    manzician User

    This one is much easier than the Bird HIT. There is only one image and dots are already placed, you just have to select if it's visible or not.
  18. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Bah.. that's up again.. I soo want to do that since I'm a huge MTG fan.. but no masters :l
  19. Kahil01

    Kahil01 User

  20. keydz

    keydz Member

    Same here. WOuld love to get paid to cycle through some cards.
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