Can't Find Amazing HITs? - 9/25 WERK-it Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 25, 2013.

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  1. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Blazed, honey. Go home, you're drunk....again

  2. Blazed, stay. You're drunk again!
  3. remlabme

    remlabme User

    What the heck I was able to get ACME, night crew population must be small.
  4. denisedacr

    denisedacr User

    Does anyone know if we can do these if we did the last batch the other day? The pictures seem the same, but it's hard to say.
    Title: Transcribe these scenes into sentences
    Requester: Research Tasks [A1CEBF7WRZ74YK] (TO)
    Description: You will be shown scenes about Mike and Jenny. Transcribe these images into sentences that describe the scene
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 500, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  5. 666ggg

    666ggg User

  6. pmagzz

    pmagzz User

    Thanks, finally got it to work. I hate the sound of my voice so it was pretty painful to replay them, but 2.50 is 2.50.
  7. mike

    mike User

    Yup,I'm normally on the day crew and there is a lot of people on then. Doesn't look like that's the case at night.
  8. Blazed

    Blazed User

    I'd kill a million goats for you dave. but stay is never enough goats
  9. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Which one? there were 2 today. the 2.50 one has a lot up (assumingly, because we all did it and it's still up there). The 6.25 one got eaten up within seconds.
  10. mike

    mike User

    Agh,goats? I'm lost now.
  11. "Goat" is an acronym for "greatest of all time", and "stay" is an acronym for "silence 'til all yonder".

    That should clarify things for you.
  12. remlabme

    remlabme User

    2.50 - il take it, 6.25 would have been nice but i wasnt even on
  13. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Just smile and nod. :D
  14. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Mike just say Yea and Ho Rah and post titty pictures spam it up
  15. mike

    mike User

    Agh,thanks for esplanin' that.
  16. mike

    mike User

  17. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

  18. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Dude you watch that doc in 1998 didnt ya. That guy could reach high
  19. Kurt and Courtney? It was more far than was a long way to reach the trigger while the barrel is in your mouth.
  20. stiricide

    stiricide User

    Oof, that stinks, man. I'm really sorry. I'm working on tagging articles of clothing - it's work I've been doing steadily over the last few days (and, however arbitrary their invite system is, they do keep inviting me to do more of them), so I think I'm going to be ok on these. I'm dropping them a line anyway. Fingers crossed.
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