Can't Find Fantastic HITs? - 9/27 Faabulous Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 27, 2013.

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  1. robyn724x

    robyn724x User

    Two Lakes is such a tease. Glad I stayed up anyhow. That was the easiest $20 ever. Just keeping my fingers crossed about the qual. I would hate to lose it when I barely got to break it in.
  2. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Oh ho ho, I just turk for fun. I look for interesting surveys and usually just don't submit the confirmation code after doing them. I do Oscar Smiths, just to do them. I do 2 lakes, just so you greedy scoundrels don't get the money. Donate? I cash out weekly, all quarters, and have my maid's children build sculptures using them and Play Doh, which I then have installed in only the finest of art galleries.
  3. They normally have 4 yes nos in each hit and one is one they know the answer to, this is golden rules. So a golden question or an AC in survey speak. Missing it lowers your qual by five getting it right raises it by one. In the past if they are not in the hit like this the qual drops like you missed it. The grading system seems to be broken recently so I gambled on the qual plummeting not happening this time but it IS a gamble.
  4. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  5. robyn724x

    robyn724x User

    Thank you Zerda.
    Now is where we put that in bold and make sure it is the first post on every page for the next five pages. :)
  6. Hm, I'm pretty sure there were 1490 people with the TLR002 qual a few minutes ago, now there are 1489...

    edit: yeah, it was 1490 in one of my other tabs, who's the naughty one who lost the qual completely?
  7. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Ok but what's a golden?
  8. Thanks for the answers. I didn't realize the definition of a golden question. I had seen that there were missing ACs, but didn't hook the two together.

    I hate you guys.
  10. zerosum

    zerosum User

    Read? Did someone say read?

  11. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Yall can stop it any time its not assetptable ot make me reed forum.
  12. Nah I think it was already that way when I checked to see if doing them dropped my qual any, hopefully there is no delayed scoring.
  13. VORP

    VORP User

    Yet 99.9% of HITs involve reading. HOW?!
  14. Luckily the fees you pay your tax accountant are tax deductible. :behindsofa:
  15. themubs

    themubs User

    it's down to 1486 now.
  16. Title: Learning Lightning Systems Dummy
    Requester: pedro gutierrez [A14GAPTZP3T33R] [TO]
    Description: For participants who did not receive credit in Learning Lightning Systems HIT
    Reward: $1.00
    Timer: 10 minutes (short timer)
    HITs Available: 1
    Qualifications: None

    View this HIT

    for you dummies out there
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2013
  17. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    who has dibs for tomorrow?
  18. [​IMG]
  19. Marcus

    Marcus User

    1486 now.

    I remember checking the other day and I am sure it was over 1500 with the TLR002 qual.

    Here is the information I have for the dates they have posted TLR001 batches.

    3, 4, 10, 17, 24

    1, 8, 15, 22, 23, 29

    5, 12, 19, 23, 26

    3, 9, 16, 23

    Typically they go up Monday mornings. Occasionally, they put out some work Tuesdays. Last month they did post once on a Friday.
  20. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Its how you get masters.
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