Can't Find Fantastic HITs? - 9/27 Faabulous Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 27, 2013.

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  1. themubs

    themubs User

    Anyone catch the AA on the Sunni batch?

    Edit: nevermind. Forgot I can just read the source code.
  2. They never answer emails.
  3. reebs

    reebs User

    I have never heard of two lakes EVER answering anyone's email. EVER. They post sometimes on another forum but I am not sure even that is a effective way of contacting.

    Cant say I blame them probably 98% of the emails they receive are "can i plase half yer kwal I do gud werc four you alweighs!"
  4. Imortalee

    Imortalee User

    What is it? <3
  5. themubs

    themubs User

    7 days! Scared. According to TO it's day-after-accept, but I think that is no longer the case. I have a hit from him that is 3 days old.
  6. Lord AO

    Lord AO Active Member

    FEDx has "golden" package once a day (rumor) that they use to track the process from start to finish so they can make the process BETTER,

    two lakes and other requester's might be doing/using the type of
  7. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

  8. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    Awwww really, scared why?! I did 2 sunnis today and I spent a lot of time on them, i hope they dont reject. I was so accept happy I didn't even look up the TO. I did two jennifers yesterday and they've already approved and paid.
  9. themubs

    themubs User

    TO is perfectly fine. I just have about $50 of Sunni's pending, so I'm scared on principle :)
  10. Hey! How did you get access to my email? ;)
  11. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    wow you did a few! they're prob fine tho. if they were like the monster ones i had they were some of the easiest ones i've done, im just not very experienced in transcription yet so i hope i got the format right
  12. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    if i were to email them i would just want to know why some people didn't get the auto qual lol.
  13. themubs

    themubs User

    I only did the 5 minute ones for him. Unless by monster you mean forry ackerman.

    All my Forry/Bradbury hits were not mixed well and only had audio in the left ear. Boy that was a pain :/
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2013
  14. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Don't worry be happy- at least you have the qual to even do them :smokin:
  15. [video=youtube;rSpqObhK4Rw][/video]

  16. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Ja two lakes actually did answer my email asking for the qual. He basically said in a very nice way they were not looking to give any more out anytime soon....
  17. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    yes those are the same ones. mine had a lot of info about horror stories and the famous monsters magazine
  18. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    I'm really having no luck with these Turk Directory Project hits. :/
  19. themubs

    themubs User

    Ah ok. Well all these hits are for subtitling his three documentaries for the hearing impaired folk. Mine had a lot of Bradbury and stuff about homosexuals.
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