Can't find good HITs? 10/17

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by TrickyTurkster, Oct 17, 2012.


What Do You Turk With? (Select ALL that apply.)

  1. Desktop - PC

    41 vote(s)
  2. Desktop - Apple

    6 vote(s)
  3. Laptop - PC

    40 vote(s)
  4. Laptop - Apple

    11 vote(s)
  5. iPad

    1 vote(s)
  6. Other Tablet

    4 vote(s)
  7. iPhone

    3 vote(s)
  8. Other Smartphone

    5 vote(s)
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  1. I've been doing CF and porn hits this morning.. been at it just over an hour and made just over $11 so far..waiting on a decent batch hit to pop up but I doubt there will be one until the afternoon
  2. cci83

    cci83 User

    Ive been doing classify hits. and Liat.
  3. ashliturk

    ashliturk User

    I was categorizing products last night in my dream, thanks taggered. I made 68$ yesterday but my brain is FRIED. Can't bring myself to do any hits :( waah
  4. rainydayze

    rainydayze User

    by porn do you mean netmsi?
  5. yes thats the one :)
  6. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Shit, mine was 617! It doesn't have much fluff at all. Just a lot of facts about how to take care of a new dog. I hope they don't reject me. When they asked you to trim it down, did they reject you and tell you to do it again or just get you to do it again? How long did that take? (for the rejection/accept/whatever)
  7. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    I just can't do those because I hate the idea that I'm helping/contributing to the porn industry. Anyone else feel the same way?
  8. HTF do you speed through those so quickly!?
  9. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

  10. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

  11. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

  12. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    classify ?
  13. lol.. I've almost memorized the categories and what to look for. I prefer their .07 tag actor hits much better but these are not too bad.
  14. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    You are beating me. I'm at $7.80
  15. Nope.. I could care less about the porn industry, there are lots of people who do these hits they fly by.. I don't think its just because its porn though, I think its also because they are a good requester and its a pretty easy task. Porn is here to stay no matter what.. this is just a way to make a little money :)
  16. jayt8

    jayt8 Active Member

    Answer an easy 3 minute survey about philosophy!

    Requester: Kevin Tobia
    HIT Expiration Date: Oct 19, 2012 (1 day 23 hours)
    Time Allotted: 60 minutes
    Reward: $0.30
    HITs Available: 1

    took a minute
  17. One small act can change the world. But not the porn world.

    Porn is a billion dollar industry. And since everyone enjoys sex, sex will continue to sell.

    I am not helping out the industry. I am not filming, acting in, or enjoying these hits. (Most of them contain the fringe of the porn industry. Grannies, Trannies and Midgets, OH MY!)

    All I am doing is working for a living. One hit at a time. I see this as helping me and not them. the filming and work has already been done.
  18. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    Very interesting response! But I just can't help but think of the poor girls, who in financial desperation or b/c of mental issues, turn to selling their bodies to be verbally and physically abused by these unsavory people in that business.

    It's terribly depressing to me.
  19. rainydayze

    rainydayze User

    Can't say that I do. I'm a supporter of porn. Me and my bf watch together all the time. I probably wouldn't feel the same if I were single, then again maybe I would. I'm not just not the average gal I guess ;)
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