Can't find Great HITs??? 12/03 Tremendous Tuesday!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. fontaine

    fontaine User

    Well guys I screwed up on my first requester HIT. I'm fixing it! You will get your nickels!!!
  2. tscreener

    tscreener User

    What do you mean CowFin. Whoever has the most votes should win...we were all just goofing around. No one will be upset by whoever wins. Everyone nominated deserves it.
  3. mom1982

    mom1982 User

    There is something wrong with these. When you check the radio button for the first one, it removes it when you move to the 2nd one and so on.
  4. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member


  5. Come on now. I know it didn't take someone that long to notice that some people are protected around here, especially the ones that (don't post a hit in 500 post), while the ones that contribute get a warning. Everyone speaks of having degree's around here, it doesn't take that long for someone to see how it runs around here.
  6. reebs

    reebs User

    Are you wanting us to send you our PMs of who we picked and why? Or like how we feel about the joking "campaigning"? I dont wanna look stupid PMing you about the wrong thing. :lol:
  7. fontaine

    fontaine User

  8. reebs

    reebs User

    Hi, if there is one thing the whole forum can agree on, its that you need to go f.uck yourself. Bye!
  9. Psst pick me lol
  10. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    How you feel about the voting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2013
  11. Mills

    Mills User

    Maybe they mean that the two people campaigning pulled ahead of the rest of the candidates? I don't know. I think we need to know more on what people are upset about before we know how to respond.
  12. reebs

    reebs User

    Oh good! I didn't notice that! Guess I will be adding a new shiny rejection to my collection /sob
  13. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    I know it hasn't been 500 posts since I posted a hit :/ has it? wow, post counts fly.
  14. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    The campaigning turned it into a popularity contest instead of a merit contest as it was intended to be. Honestly, in the last hour, our votes have at least doubled (when I got on skb was at 25).
  15. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    People need to be able to come to their own conclusions and not see the mess that has went on in this thread tonight. Let people make up their own minds and stop with the campaigning. Joke or no joke it has derailed the thread and I honestly think it's completely ****ed up the voting.
  16. I too agree the campaigning derailed my chances of becoming President. I mean winner.
  17. VORP

    VORP User

    We have so much in common.
  18. Man my eyes are heavy. Paws are sweaty. There is salmon in the kitchen.... MOM'S SPAGHETTI?!!?
  19. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    I didn't mean to break the forums I'm sorry.
  20. reebs

    reebs User

    YOu are always number one in my heart, Bear. <3
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