Can't find Great HITs??? 12/03 Tremendous Tuesday!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. MSUHolly

    MSUHolly User

    Did you have ~34 returns/abandons today?
  2. Jambin

    Jambin User

    It counts returns and abandons
  3. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Could be.
  4. D3monicx

    D3monicx User

    Hey guys! Anyone have any experience with No More Rack (
    Saw the commercials and ordered one item from them on Cyber Monday.
    Now that I'm doing some research they seem a little iffy.
    Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
  5. Mills

    Mills User

    To be 100% honest, I was the first person to put up a campaign poster. Granted, it was for skb. :eek: So I hope I didn't start the whole thing.
  6. trader217

    trader217 User

    guys the submit button on this one doesn't work..not really worth it anyway for 15mins for 1.10...
  7. kleaps23

    kleaps23 User

    I just want my Crowdsource's to approve so I can do more of those HITs!
  8. Maybe add a rule 4: There is no speaking of razorbacks on the forum.

    =D I mean it's worth a shot!
  9. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Sure, I keep my part of the bargain and you don't. I see how it is.

    Edit: Should have listened to Mills. She certainly knew what she was talking about.
  10. DogBlood

    DogBlood User

    Your celebration is in vein. Prepare yourself for 5 hours of confusion and frustration. 2 hours in....still not working GOOD LUCK!!!
  11. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    4000+ Jordon's on 7 day AA. This should be interesting...
  12. Or if we must reference him for some reason, we should call him derp-who-must-not-be-named.

    Sure hope he's not lurking right now, otherwise my proposal is ineffective.
  13. Jambin

    Jambin User

    You are a brave soul! I'll keep my fingers crossed :)
  14. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Not my fault the mods said no more vote selling. If it makes you feel better I won't look at gay p0rn for a month. There!
  15. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    He's always here. Let's just ignore him 5ever.
  16. Mills

    Mills User

    Are mods deleting posts or something? When I try to go the next page, I keep getting booted back one. I'm in the Turkin' Twilight Zone here. :bump2:
  17. It's 3,800 accepted. Returns and abandoned count. Could that be the explanation?
  18. Shouldn't he be focusing on fixing that awful lawn mowing flyer? How can he Not have better ways to spend his time?
  19. jesseeka

    jesseeka User

    so paranoid now lol but no it happened to me too

  20. Never been appreciated by whom? Not you, because you can never find yourself quite enough to quit making remarks just like the one above. I would be willing to bet you EVERY and I mean EVERY single dollar in my account, if the moderators open my first account up, copy and paste my private messages here, that I've answered if not, and I mean literally if not MORE than 100 private messages, with hours of typing, hours of writing books to help people starting out turking. When I say hours and hours of helping people out and answering questions from people that sent me pm's over, over, and over, I can assure you I've spent HOURS of time helping out people through pm's.

    1. I do not like being called a liar. Hence when someone accuses me of Photoshopping, I posted a video.

    2. If I'm lying, moderators, open up my first two accounts and let someone put their money where their mouth is. And then call me a liar, right here, right now.

    I helped numbers, numbers, and numbers of people. And never come at anyone disrespectful unless I'm barked at, or as you call it "sarcasm."
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