Is my $1 HIT available...??

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by EEKB lab, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. EEKB lab

    EEKB lab New Member

    I'm a relatively new requester posting psychology studies under the name of EEKB Lab, and I've just tried posting a new HIT that is, unusually, not getting any responses (actually, it got one-- and then stopped). It should appear as "25-minute Psychology study," requester EEKB Lab, paying $1, seeking 150 workers, and has a qualification "USAMCS3 = 0" that should be automatically granted upon request (to prevent duplicate workers).

    Could I ask if anyone is able to see this HIT and if there are any problems that you can see that might be preventing people from doing the HIT?

    Thanks very much for any help!
  2. Kris

    Kris User

    It's out there and available, as far as I can tell. Some people may limit their survey searches for HITs for which they're qualified, so they may not necessarily see it.
  3. EEKB lab

    EEKB lab New Member

    Great, thanks!

    Thanks very much for the confirmation! It's my first time trying the automatically granted qualification, so I was worried. It's (almost) the same as other studies I've run so I need to invite only new workers. Hope that some interested people will see it soon...!

    Thanks again-- Emma
  4. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I hate to sound pretentious, but I tend to stay away from HITs that only pay $1 for more than 20 minutes of work.

    I understand that this is not technically a job, and requesters have a budget to work with, but me to work for $2.50 an hour is just not going to happen.

    I hate to say it, but unless you step up the pay rate, you will more than likely not get the showing you expect.
  5. Neona

    Neona User

    I don't have a problem with the pay. On a slow day, I am ok with taking a survey that takes a few minutes for a dollar.

    The problem I had with your survey - I went in and tried to do it, but it requires a download. Not everyone is going to want to download something on their computer - there's alot of workers who do Mturks while they are working another job and they might not have the option to download anything on the computer they are on.

    Anyway, I am not too keen of the idea of downloading anything but clicked on it anyway - my computer showed it downloaded but I couldn't get past the page that said to refresh the window. (I would refresh and nothing would change).

    Others might be having that same problem.

    Also, why are you asking for our Turk ID's as proof that we did the survey? Someone could cheat and just give you their id and say they did it - most surveys give us a code at the end of the survey, that we input into the box before we hit submit. You can't get that code unless you complete the survey.
  6. Anna P

    Anna P User

    I went in to try this HIT as well, and was scared off by the download required. I really can't afford a virus. Not that your download would have given one, but just in case I like to be cautious.
  7. Zeta

    Zeta User

    MTurk is a Job, we pay taxes on it, hell most of us earn at least 20k a year on it. But sorry even on a slow day I'm not going to work for 2 cents a minute.
  8. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Very much agreed with all this. It's never that slow that you have to, at least once you are over 1000 HITs---and earlier, too, if you're working smart. The time is better spent looking for something more worthwhile---which might pop up and disappear while you're spending your 25 min to get the $1.

    Also agreed with the download maybe being a turnoff to some people. Then again, for this and the pay comment I made above, it sounds like the OP has created other such HITs in the past, so I guess their system works for them, pricing and all.

    As far as the Turk IDs, though, this is something that experienced Turkers will have seen before; it's not just this requester, so it does work just fine. If you didn't do the survey (I didn't either), then who's to say---but usually, requesters who ask for your Turk ID will also have asked you to enter it at some point within the survey. So yours has to match a completed survey, and then no one can cheat.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2012
  9. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Not even close do "most" turkeys earn 20K on MTurk.
  10. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    I agree that "most" probably do not. But I believe there is a lot higher percentage on this forum than over everyone who Turks or has ever Turked. On the other hand, what you see around the forum is also a lot of people just trying to find their way, and they are often the most frequent posters, with the most basic questions.

    The key is, people who aren't having trouble...aren't asking questions. So you won't be very aware that they're doing so well until you see them post their stats. That's happened a few times just in the last couple of weeks, though---people coming out of the woodwork with awesome stats who don't often post. Still others do pretty well every day, and just keep quietly doing it.

    (I'm assuming it's a little OK to go OT like this, since it sounds like the OP got their question answered and is gone.)
  11. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    Any HIT that requires a download is a violation of Amazon's Terms of Service - most workers will (rightfully) avoid any HITs that violate the TOS.
  12. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    If it requires a download I'm sorry but I'm gonna report that HIT because it violates amazon's TOS. I'm also not going to do any work that will be under my $0.10/minute rule or $6/hr. (Actually a lot of workers I know have this rule. We're on here to make money, first and foremost.) This is because in the time it takes me to do that I could make much more money somewhere else...

    $0.02/minute isn't even remotely fair. It's underpayment to a serious extreme. I understand researchers have a budget to work with and for researchers I will lower my $0.10/min to anywhere from $0.09-$0.05/min, depending on the subject. But $0.02 is a big NO from me.

    :( Sorry!

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