Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/18 Wonderfully Winning Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. TrentTurks

    TrentTurks User

    That moment when a commie calls another person a commie.
  2. Pinkamena

    Pinkamena User

  3. Forum specific quals are few and far between. They want good workers doing quality work for them. And if their pay sucks then it fucking sucks. What do you want me to do? Be best friends with someone who wants to pay me far below minimum wage? lol Way to be part of the problem.
  4. God damned Mturk, the worst internet provider there is!
  5. Some bad mojo on the forum throughout the day.

    Happy thoughts!

  6. You know I'm talking about people who turk to pay the bills(including internet), right?
  7. Monica

    Monica User

    Buster Noodles.

    hahaha wat
  8. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    Floppy Pizza :mad:
  9. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    This just made me LOL.
  10. Remember when Mturk was shutting down cause Crowdflower left? GOOD TIMES
  11. You know I was making a joke, right?
  12. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Since some like workin' for chump change, I'll pay someone Eyeapps type cash to come clean my shoes and rearrange the boxes. Srs.
  13. xailos

    xailos User

  14. Crowdflower.
    Good pay.

    Pick one. They're pretty irrelevant to the conversation right now.
  15. wow this is not what i wanted to come into today already having a terrible day... fuck
  16. I once dreamed a hamburger was eating ME
  17. jTurker

    jTurker User

    If you dont want to do the hits then dont fucking do them, but you and people like you are creating a problem by being assholes to requesters. If you think for one second that a decent requester is going to stop by here and see the vitriol that you throw at Eyeapps and think hmmm I really want to throw my next project at a bunch of animals like that then you are just as foolish as you sound. Just because Eyeapps sucks doesnt justify you coming on here and and being a complete asshole. Any requester that drops in and sees how they are being treated is not going to come here an help anyone out.
  18. Monica

    Monica User


    I'd pay someone eyeapps type money to rub my foot.
  19. Pinkamena

    Pinkamena User

    Haha, I love this gif. >_<

    I'm going to watch Frasier and eat peanuts in bed. Goodnight peeps. Make good choices. And fat stacks. <3
  20. i am Rambo Quesarito.
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