Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/24 Rat Tat Tat Tat Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by lanone, Jun 23, 2014.

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  1. Xander756

    Xander756 User

    I was listenin to Alex Jones in the background for awhile which helped. He had me rollin with what he was saying. At one point he claimed to have literally seen the future via a clairvoyant dream he had in the 90's.
  2. That guy is the embodiment of R/Conspiracy
  3. DTX

    DTX User

    Anything I can do like 50 of really quick that will be approved quickly? Pay doesn't matter.
  4. bms00

    bms00 User

    Did you ever negotiate a rejection successfully? Best I did was have a big email argument over ten cents =P
  5. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    New high water mark for me. 75 hits in one day. :p
  6. Bald

    Bald User

    20 of these up 1 day auto approve

    Title: Review a short transcript (< 10 sec)
    Requester: Redwood [A85UAWGX7A330] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.07 Communicativity
    3.53 Generosity
    4.26 Fairness
    4.46 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 125
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: An audio clip will be presented, along with a transcription segment. Determine if the transcript is acceptable.
    Time: 5 minutes
    Reward: $0.01
    Qualifications: Location is not IN, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    these approve usually 1-2 days

    Title: Describe images with simple sentence
    Requester: vocds [AR3B90GZOP6DS] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.71 Communicativity
    3.04 Generosity
    4.59 Fairness
    4.58 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 53
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Help us decribe images with simple sentence!
    Time: 30 minutes
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 500, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98, Location is US

    dont know of anything else off the top of my head sorry
  7. I messaged them asking if they had a PayPal I could give it back to, that's about all I think I can do

    With expected margin of error I would not be surprised if they told me to not worry about it and keep my fat stack of coins but wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least offer to give it back, don't assume malice with what can be explained by stupidity etc
  8. Now that I have masters I can't be a dick to requesters that reject me since I'm afraid I'll lose it if they bitch to Amazon. Back when I didn't have masters I would ask nicely once, wait a day, then be a complete prick if I got no explanation. I'd also routinely send crowdsource drunken emails about how their shit is broken and how that whole "pay at noon the next day" thing was bullshit. lol
  9. bms00

    bms00 User

  10. I still have masters and still bitch about unfair rejections.
  11. I've had more rejections reversed than not when messaging the requester politely, in my experience you usually get it if you give them a little respect

    I've also been given a hard block for literally what somebody else wrote on TO so perhaps I am not a typical case
  12. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Most, if not all, of my rejections were not my fault. My emails to them were easy enough to get them reversed because they know it wasn't me. No issues. But in 2012, there were slim chances of getting your rejections reversed because they didn't know how or was too difficult. One told me they would reverse it by looking into it and never did.
  13. bms00

    bms00 User

    How many rejections did you have when you got masters? I'm into the whole idea of getting masters, making more money, and female friend declaring her love...
  14. bms00

    bms00 User

    Ah 2012, back then I was not turking because I thought I should just try harder to use my degree LOL
  15. I myself was under 20
  16. Not much of CrowdFlower I miss but I do kind of miss putting "this control is stupid and so are you" for their absolutely ridiculous controls on sentiment batches


    (it's in Spanish, I click it)

  17. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Did you have to download an app off Itunes or Google store & review it? Cause I couldn't find the app for the life of me.

    + requester had no TO so I knew it was too good to be true.
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