Can't Find Wonderful HITs? 7/17 It's Tricky Thursday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Wiggles, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. Pinkamena

    Pinkamena User

  2. Mrsjohn99

    Mrsjohn99 User

    I agree! You could make it a sad day, but why? It's a shitty disease! There is enough bullshit they deal with, and we as a family deal with, why not make it a good day? We have ice cream for dinner every year on that day! :)
  3. frood

    frood User

    Fuckin' A! Be Awesome, Not Bloated! I should probably follow this motto since I've quit smoking and become desk-bound.
  4. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Are you a professional transcriber and awesome? Send me a PM with your rate per minute. Have a project for ya.
  5. Faithers

    Faithers User


    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from Chingching Chang for work related to 37MQ8Z1JQDVFA2B5XG2A3WT40EFY29.
    The value of your bonus is: $2.00 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    No comment provided by Requester.

    Thanks for being a Worker on Mechanical Turk!

    I can't even remember what this task was. lol
  6. imahickson

    imahickson Active Member

    Finally decided to do that religion survey from yesterday. My goodness, never again. Should have known better.
  7. frood

    frood User

    I remember it was yesterday and I now realize I should have done it. >:p

    Can't recall if I couldn't or didn't but $2 bonus is usually nothing to sneeze at.
  8. Aroihkin

    Aroihkin Member

  9. frood

    frood User

    Was it "Joshua B. Grubbs" one? Because I was just about to start it. Run away?
  10. It's that time of the night where I sit and stare at my computer as if the act there of will make hits magically appear.

  11. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    anyone want to make the thread for tomorrow?
  12. imahickson

    imahickson Active Member

    Yeah that's the one. Its not hard or anything, just a million bubbles and repetitive questions. I accepted it yesterday figuring I'd save it for a time when nothing great was up.
  13. wow2006

    wow2006 User

    I mean sometimes Superfish does surprise a bitch.
  14. stiricide

    stiricide User

    Keep tabs on The Joslin Institute. When they hit their 25 year diabersary, register them with the Joslin Medalist Program. (Everyone loves medals.) They get a medal AND contribute to the field of research. (If you haven't heard of them, Joslin is the largest, oldest, diabetic research foundation around. Their ongoing researchhas a strong focus on maintaining the qualitity of life of diabetics as they age. My dad just got his 50 year medal, and I'm heading up to Boston with him later this year so he can be a lab rat. It's incredible - 50 years ago, no one with diabetes even ever lived that long, so they really have very little idea of what the long term effects of the disease are, or what eldering with it looks like.)
  15. wow2006

    wow2006 User

    I did try one of these but I didn't end up submitting. I got one that was looking for a CEO in Hong Kong, and I already have trouble finding that kind of information for people in the States so I just wasn't sure if it was worth the risk.
  16. I managed to find it for one of the two. Had to return the second. We'll see if it pays out.
  17. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

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