Can't Find Amazing Hits? 10/13 Columbus Day Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 13, 2014.

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  1. B

    B User

    These Reinke's are really good mastu no TO
  2. Oh good, it's getting uglier.

    I'll assess the damage tomorrow, I'm off to bed. My kid is expecting me in the morning and he's all I got left, fuck if I'm oversleeping that because of some requester acting like an idiot
  3. cocobean

    cocobean User

    I'll be contacting his higher ups at the university if he rejects and doesn't respond. I'm not too worried.
  4. I always assumed that when you get a hard block you don't even have access to their hits anymore. Huh, that sucks.
  5. Did one and got it rejected. They obviously have no idea how turk works. They better get reversed for us all. I knew that message meant trouble.
  6. Yapster777

    Yapster777 User

    Damn, vicious!
  7. Gah I'm trying to go off to bed but this sentiment batch how can I rob myself of this

  8. Reading ROC's TO right now

  9. Yapster777

    Yapster777 User

    And Sinister!
  10. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I got 18 rejections from ROC, half saying user blocked, the other half saying I didn't watch the full videos. Which is complete bullshit because I sat and watched all 3 minutes of EACH AND EVERY video and the ones that I hoarded were thisclose to expiring before the videos were done but I got in just in time. What are we gonna do?
  11. cocobean

    cocobean User

    Nah, I just want to get paid for my time. and for the ability to not smash my head into a wall after watching some of those videos.
  12. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Wanna PM me the info too? I'm a bit ticked off right now, and I don't want to email him and cuss him out. I need some advice on a civil, nice email to send him. I don't even give a crap about the 10 bucks, it's the rejections and saying I was blocked for nothing that is pissing me off.
  13. Yapster777

    Yapster777 User

    No worries... I'm right behind ya! .................. at a distance
  14. Dear whatever university you are,

    We all saw Asian jorts guy. Our opinions matter, please accept them. That guy would get friendzoned by a prostitute.
  15. cocobean

    cocobean User

    Send him a message first and wait a day or two. If he doesn't respond or reverse the rejections, I'd contact him through YouTube or go straight to the university. But yeah, I'll PM you the info.
  16. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    That one guy that talked about Harry Potter, Computer Science, and his favorite 100 dollar board games is probably behind this. Or that lady who was pissed off at Social Security.
  17. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I sent the requester a polite email. Didn't respond, yet had time to reject additional HITs. SMH.
  18. B

    B User

    My 20 are still pending.

    These guys were nothing but great when I dealt with them with issues with the $10.00 hit a few months back.

    I still have their email:

    It is MIT. I have little doubt this is all an error or teaching assistant grading who set it up wrong or doesn't know what they are doing. I'd be extremely surprised if all these weren't overturned. You can try the email above instead of Turk but I wouldn't expect anything til morning. Also my 20 are still pending. And if all else fails MIT IRB board will look into it fore sure if you contact them.

    I still think it's a jumping the gun situation but good luck to everyone rejected.
  19. Okay I really am going to bed this time, need to be rested enough to make sure my little boy has a fun day. Reinke batch is pretty dope if you can do it though.
  20. cocobean

    cocobean User

    No, no, anti-grinder is definitely behind this!!
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