Can't Find Amazing Hits? 10/13 Columbus Day Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 13, 2014.

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  1. cocobean

    cocobean User

    I'm pretty sure he's from University of Rochester, though...?
  2. My favorite is "That guy couldn't get laid at women's prison with a handful of pardons." ;)
  3. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Has anyone else been hard blocked without receivin' an email from Amazon in recent weeks/months?
  4. Yeah it's hit or miss on getting an email. The email means hardblock and no emails means soft block is a myth. Even Amazon seems clueless about why people don't get emails for all blocks. They consider all blocks the same though I assume the ones actually held against you are ones where they write a note like poor work, or this guy cheated me or something and not ones where they block and say nothing but who knows, we can't tell from our end anyway.
  5. B

    B User

    Yeah. Just double checked. The video study was a joint MIT-Rochester thing and they used that requester account. Maybe that email won't be any good. Maybe it will. I'm sure Rochester has an IRB board. If not, something to tell the grand kids.
  6. jTurker

    jTurker User

    You clearly did watch him wax poetic about relationships, hes too prudish for a prostitute or dirty dancing for that matter.
  7. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    What am I reading in these hits
  8. how u doin cocobean?
  9. cocobean

    cocobean User

    But he's probably okay with Dirty Dancing. It's so romahhhhhhhntic!

  10. cocobean

    cocobean User

    Pretty okay, thanks. :) How about you?
  11. jTurker

    jTurker User

    I would caution on getting out the pitchforks, simply because these rejections are auto, there is probably no one there to answer any emails and based on his approval history I would not expect a quick response. The hits I have done have either went to AA or he approved them when he put out the next batch. Hes a doctoral candidate working at a University so I expect this to get taken care of.
  12. good!
  13. Biogenetic splicing
  14. Spear

    Spear User

    Found on imgur..
  15. cocobean

    cocobean User

    Yeah, definitely hold off a few days before getting too angry.

    Although, how can they be auto rejected if some of us still have them pending?
  16. cocobean

    cocobean User

  17. Ryberg

    Ryberg User


    Also, if it was automated, some of us would not have gotten the "Rejected because user blocked" explanation. Impossible for em to automatically block us.
  18. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    I believe there's an auto-reject script floating around (I got one requester to admit to using one)
  19. Hey adaaaam, could use some coding help. What would I change to change the A and S keys to F1 and F2? I just did the obvious and changed the visible ones but that didn't work.

    document.addEventListener( "keydown", kas, false);

    function kas(i) {
    if ( i.keyCode == 65 || i.keyCode == 97 ) { //A or npad 1

    if ( i.keyCode == 83 || i.keyCode == 98 ) { //S or npad 2
  20. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

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