Can't find good HITs? 10/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ashliturk, Oct 24, 2012.


What Has Been You Best mTurk Day? (Submitted)

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    2 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    9 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    4 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    8 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    7 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $30.oo

    8 vote(s)
  7. $30.oo - $40.oo

    12 vote(s)
  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    8 vote(s)
  9. $50.oo - $100.oo

    16 vote(s)
  10. Over $100.oo

    8 vote(s)
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  1. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    had trouble in FF too.
  2. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Got the same thing. I have no idea why either lol
  3. You can retake the test after 60 minutes. It looks like no one is gonna make it in the first attempt.
  4. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    Damn, I only got a 20, got a 29 first attempt last time.
  5. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    omg THANKS CMU!
    $50+ on the day!!
    time to order pizzas!!!

    and no, still 30 more to go to 1000 but that should happen by no later than tomorrow morning
  6. jesus sas, I'm just glad that I broke 20 bucks lol
  7. Merc_H

    Merc_H Member

    This is my second day of turking so far, since I'm still in training I'm mostly doing batches to get my ratings up and to get some quick work done. Anybody have any good batch recommendations besides Oscars business cards and CS' keyword search? Thanks peeps!
  8. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Grats -stares forelornly at her 41 dollar record- :p
  9. Lindsay or Tim Edward's Email HITs if they pop back up. except I dont really remember if there is a qual value for those.
  10. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    DDAAAYYYUUUMMMM BBBBOOOIIII!!! Slow your roll and let some of us lowly workers have a slice of that pie! :p
  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    hey guys, i've been at it for about 12 hours so take that into consideration : P
  12. tbanny

    tbanny User

    Do as many CrowdFlower as they will let you. They don't reject, but will kick you out for stupid reasons. Still, it's worth it if you need the numbers. Also look out for Redwood transcription review hits.
  13. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Where them batches at? (No cells, not in the mood for that one today). Only $2 away from my goal :D.
  14. zartonis

    zartonis User

    Congrats, man, enjoy that pizza, you deserve it.
  15. Merc_H

    Merc_H Member

    Thanks Turkincareofbusiness, I'll keep 2 eyes out!
  16. mikey

    mikey User

    The last 2 hits he posted I had a perfect score on the qualifier, this one I only got a 20. I'm wondering if someone screwed up. I thought one of the examples was wrong based on what the previous tests were wanting. IDK though.
  17. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    i just looked at that, some of the "yes" dots are definitely not in the same cell
  18. leelu

    leelu User

    Survey - Personality, Emotions, & Experiences at Work

    Requester: CrowdFlower Reward: $0.75 per HIT HITs Available: 52 Duration: 60 minutes
    Qualifications Required: None
    UGH it is too late in the day for all these bubbles.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2012
  19. Merc_H

    Merc_H Member

    Thanks Tbanny, I'll try and find some transcriptions, It'll be a nice change of pace.
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