Can't find good HITs? 11/13

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by razorbacks0121, Nov 13, 2012.


How Many Approved HITs Do You Have?

  1. 0 - 500 Approved HITs

    15 vote(s)
  2. 500 - 1,000 Approved HITs

    10 vote(s)
  3. 1,000 - 2,500 Approved HITs

    28 vote(s)
  4. 2,500 - 5,000 Approved HITs

    16 vote(s)
  5. 5,000 - 7,500 Approved HITs

    15 vote(s)
  6. 7,500 - 10,000 Approved HITs

    1 vote(s)
  7. 10,000 - 15,000 Approved HITs

    4 vote(s)
  8. 15,000 - 25,000 Approved HITs

    9 vote(s)
  9. 25,000 - 50,000 Approved HITs

    3 vote(s)
  10. Over 50,000 Approved HITs

    5 vote(s)
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  1. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Decision-Making in Organizations (approx. 10 mins)

    Requester: Jennifer Whitson

    took me 5 min
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Hell yeah, bring on the surveys!
  3. temetnosce

    temetnosce User

    Well. That $3.00 game hit went by really fast. I got $3.80 total.
  4. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    ppc went bye bye :(
  5. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I did the qualifying test for PPC, got one done and it was already gone lol
  6. l1n7

    l1n7 User

  7. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    I have had comments on my CS title HITs for quite a while now...but they're still pending.
    I hope they're not mad I corrected their spelling. =-/
    Did someone say theirs were approved and bonus-ed already?
  8. since I only have about 90 minutes a day that I can turk, getting this qualification has taken me from $5-$7 a day to $30 a day. It's been wonderful, especially here at Christmas time.
  9. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    for anyone doing the sentence completion etc. thing, it's long and on the multiple choice responses you need to get 75% right or you'll be rejected...
  10. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    yes caraw1 said it earlier...

    the 1 i did is still pending
  11. PapaWolfie

    PapaWolfie User

    They told me my titles weren't creative enough. :( But they didn't reject me. My other ones are pending, though.
  12. RWStein

    RWStein User

    These are back up...

    Play our Online Game for Cash - With Bonus (Max payment $7.00)

    Requester: salathegroup Reward: $3.00 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 60 minutes
    Auto-Approval Time: 2 days
    Qualifications Required: Location is US
  13. itstriz

    itstriz User

    How long does the game take? Is it safe to join now if the game doesn't start for 13 min?
  14. At least I got a few more quals for the PPC batches. Next time, I'll get more. I think I have 4 of them now, but it's hard to remember which ones they are!
  15. RWStein

    RWStein User

    I did... And I have no idea how long it takes... I heard some one say 10 minutes... But I've heard nothing bad about the game
  16. ginny71

    ginny71 User

    Is there a certain percentage Copyscape requirement?
  17. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    not sure, i just reword everything, if there's more than two words in a row that are identical to the original, it's an accident. i think these are for blog/article networks so they don't want them to be picked up as duplicate content by google...

    EDIT: i don't mean that i only reword everything, i also change the structure a bit, but definitely everything is original in comparison with the article being copied
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2012
  18. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    Well I'm done trying to do those split porn movie scenes. I've had to return a bunch that are all Spring Break Videos
  19. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Which HITs are these?

  20. Sasquatch, don't you find it harder to reword than to just write it from scratch? I've always had trouble with the reword HITS because I get caught up in the existing structure.
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