Can't Find Good HITs? 12/11

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Weezy, Dec 11, 2012.

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  1. WOOOO! Got in 34 Rubins. That turned my day around fast.
  2. jckruth

    jckruth User

    Medcrowd up
  3. davis0298

    davis0298 User

    I got the same one. It was a follow up survey that you got an e-mail request to do. Can't remember what it was about, but I do remember getting the original e-mail asking me to do the follow up for .05
  4. Riddik78

    Riddik78 User

    I returned it for that reason. I just wasn't in the mood.
  5. roon83

    roon83 User

    Title: Collect Medical Practice Information From A Website Using The URL Provided
    Requester: MedCrowd [A3AGILFBOVKI09] (TO)
    Description: Given the Practice Name and Address, use the provided Google search URL to identify the URL for their professional website
    Reward: $0.15
    Qualifications: Medical Information is not less than 85, Total approved HITs is not less than 500, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  6. msurvey

    msurvey User

    Some schools don't offer that information unless you're already registered (at least mine didn't). Might get lucky and find a syllabus either through Google or their internal search, however.
  7. Anyone have the course catalog for University of Denver?
  8. aphotic

    aphotic User

  9. russ43015

    russ43015 User

  10. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    Damn, my medcrowd qualification is now 70... it used to be 95 :O ... can't do them :( I contacted to see what's going on... i hope it's just an error or something
  11. Mine haven't been approved either
  12. JPost

    JPost User

    Got 20 Rubins in!
  13. 3/5king

    3/5king User

    hope Mark gets back to me on these Mcrowds. I need my quals evaluated so I can get bumped up to 85 to do these hits. Otherwise....that will suck.
  14. Eke222

    Eke222 User

    Grrrr, I had at least 3 Notre Dame that they either made up course number or they were on wrong school catalog when they did it.
  15. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    just gonna do these two short tyler quick articles, save me some medcrowds!!
  16. JpRpNR

    JpRpNR Banned

    dude i need them to get approved to get to 1000
  17. just got home from work... please tell me i didn't miss any johnk hits?
  18. Just got my Medcrowd qual bumped up to 85, in time for this new batch. I'm so pumped.
  19. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    Phew! My Medcrowd qual is fixed back to 90. Time to get to work! :)
  20. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    That would come to around $1.80 an hour...
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