Can't Find Good HITs? 12/14

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by NateMcCheezy, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

  2. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Title: A quick study!
    Requester: Matteo Visentin [A1WMC9ZM16Z12R] (TO)
    Description: To accomplish this task you need to open a link that will give you access to a five minutes survey. Once you completed the survey you need to copy and paste a confirmation code.
    Reward: $0.40
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 80, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
    <5 minutes. Excellent TO.
  3. mikey

    mikey User

    In the original hit I did for him there were instructions that I saved with this link to the app-
  4. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Title: (beta) Mimic 8 facial expressions
    Requester: [A1VQU6TKNI97S9] (TO)
    Description: In this HIT you are asked to mimic facial expressions. We need
    expressions of eight emotions, sometimes with additional snapshots for
    different head positions.

    This task requires that you have a flash player, a web camera and that you
    provide your consent for your picture to be taken, uploaded to our servers
    and shared with other workers to verify how well you have performed.

    Notice: You can only do four (4) HITs of this type. After that you will
    see a message urging you to return a HIT.

    We're just starting with our system and welcome your feedback.
    Reward: $0.48
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    Seems interesting. TO is OK. If you do them, there is a limit of 4.
    You need a webcam.
  5. janissary

    janissary User

  6. Y'all must be bustin out some surveys tonight =] that whole 20 5 yr olds dieing on my b-day makes me not want to celebrate it so I am gonna see what I can find batch hit wise for a bit. Wow the world is a fked up place... just little kids man...
  7. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    When you take the original survey hey gives you a Drop Box link to download the .APK file.
  8. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    It's my birthday too. Happy Birthday!

    I'm sad about the shooting though. What piece of trash kills little kids?! Not that I'm for killing of adults, but the fact that it was kids, especially of that age, makes it worse.
  9. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    happy birthday you two!!!!
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Did that one yesterday and it was approved and paid already! Good one!
  11. Yeah most definitely. Happy bday to you as well! But answer me this? I feel like I am wrong for even being born on this day because of that massacre. It just really fks my head up starting off the day all happy then dropping everything to watch the news and see that... Then sum dumbass news anchor asks'I wonder if the shooter has mental problems?' I raged! I screamed at the tv 'if you even slightly feel you do not know the answer to that then you need mental help as well..'

    OK. done OT
  12. RAMANDA1

    RAMANDA1 User

    There was a similar one from the same requester that was guess someones age. Thank you, I didn't see this one yesterday, done them both, easy money.
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    As long as you didn't do her hit twice. You'll get rejected. There's another one where we guess someone's age? Darn. I missed it. I've done Heather Yang only. That was fun. I wanted more! And I wondered if I was right. lol.
  14. amoreno

    amoreno User

    not to mention a similar massacare in a china school today guy stabs 20 kids or somthing.
  15. Title: Transcribe Audio Recording A592432 (audio length: 10 minutes 30 seconds)
    Requester: SpeechInk [A1AQ7EJ5P7ME65] (TO)
    Description: Transcribe this audio recording to text
    Reward: $8.93
    Qualifications: Rating Qualification (2009-10-22 17:16:09) is not less than 92, Confidentiality Qualification (2009-07-01 14:48:38) is not less than 20
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    A good paying transcribe if anyone is good at these.
  16. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    :( My son's school went on lockdown because of a gun threat this morning. I got a phone call right when I saw the CT one on the news. I was frozen for a few seconds. The threat turned out to be a hoax, thank goodness.

    It's such a tragic day today, not in a birthday mood at all.

    Everyone with kids: No matter how rough things are, give your kid a call, or talk to them face to face today. Everyday is a gift.
  17. Bunch up. Only 1 cent but are fast to do. Might be useful for getting numbers up. near 27 thousand of em.

    Title: Choose the best category for this product
    Requester: Jason Gurwin [A13DUHDBTIGBVD] (TO)
    Description: Decide what is the appropriate category for this product in the grocery store
    Reward: $0.01
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Total approved HITs is greater than 50, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  18. Having trouble getting him in TO though. Mine isn't working ATM

  19. His TO is not that great, but it is because people did HITs of his that did not pay anything and they compained and also someone has not yet have them approved or paid. So I don't know I was thinking about doing enough to bump me up to over 5k but I am not sure with his TO.
  20. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Three bad reviews, two complaining about HITs with no pay, other complaining about the HITs not being approved/rejected.. Nothing about actual approvals/rejections though. If there's no pay, don't do them, simple as that.

    I would do a test batch.
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