Can't Find Good HITs? 12/14

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by NateMcCheezy, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. DustinOber

    DustinOber User

    The TO is awful
  2. TO is not very good on those, but the reasons aren't great either. Just takes a long time to approve. I think for a cent I'll sit them out for now.
  3. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    the jason guy? The TO looks bad, but i went to read the reviews and one person was just complaining about there being no pay (he had hits up previously that had no pay), another claimed he did not pay at all even when she/he did the paid ones (that person posted after a week of doing his hits but his autoapproval time is 14 days and he/she never updated so idk if that person got paid the next or not). It doesnt say he rejects. All of this was last year.

    edit: lol... we all posted at the same time
  4. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    abort ship!
  5. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I would read the review. Nobody's been rejected, but I guess nobody had been paid.
  6. TO is horrendous but it is one person complaining about not being paid after a week and the other two complaining about .00 HITS.

    Edit...well that all came in a rush.
  7. amoreno

    amoreno User

    def., mine was o lockdown on wed there was a fight close by so they went on immediate lockdown. everyday is a gift
  8. So who is going to guinea pig it?

    RAMANDA1 User

    Yeah I had to double check, it was yesterday so I remembered it was on guessing someones age not weight so I'm hoping it will fine, "fingers crossed"
  10. GreedyFly13

    GreedyFly13 Active Member

    not sure what category to put cereal in? anyways im not doing those.
  11. Must take supplements to do this survey.

    Title: Supplement survey
    Requester: James Johnson [A1BI3GCN62J5R0] (TO)
    Description: Give us your opinion on trends int he supplement world
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    Took me 8 min.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2012
  12. SupaDupa

    SupaDupa User

  13. Title: Past events
    Requester: Ryan Fehr [A317Q0IPDUD23I] (TO)
    Description: Write about an event from your past and complete some survey questions. Survey takes about 8 minutes. The first item has a 2 minute time minimum.
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 80, Total approved HITs is greater than 50, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    EDIT: Has some writing in the beginning. Not feelin it lol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2012
  14. i just did like 7 of em... i'll let u know what happens
  15. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    I had a goal of 400 for the first 2 weeks of december. I smashed that goal by more than 140 dollars. Honestly, after hitting 5K on my approvals, the game changed for me.
  16. ChrisM77

    ChrisM77 Banned

    Hmm, I took about a 1 to 2 min survey which ended with a redirect to their website with no completion code. Returning I guess.
  17. can't wait till i get there... i'm at 1500. this week sucked for me. worked a 60 hr week and by the time i could put some time in there's nothin good. and i'm salary so i don't get paid a dime extra
  18. that happens if u never use suppliments. same thing happened to me
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